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l l 湖南人文科技学院毕业论文(设计) 学科分类号: 08 湖南人文科技学院 本科生毕业设计 题 目: 基于单片机的红外自动淋浴器的设计 系 部: 通信与控制工程系 专业年级: 通信工程 级 指导教师: 职 称: 讲师 副教授 湖南人文科技学院教务处制 l l 基于单片机的红外自动淋浴器设计 摘要:目前我国国有企业、事业单位、学校等都有许多公共浴室,其中大多是传统淋浴设备,这些设备陈旧,造成大量淡水资源的浪费,针对我国淡水资源浪费的现状,本文设计了一种能自动感应人的来去的红外自动淋浴系统。系统主要以STC89C52单片机为核心,以RE200B传感器为红外接收模块,蜂鸣器报警模块,LCD显示模块及电磁阀控制模块,并辅有一些外部元件组成。单片机接收到的红外信号后打开电磁阀,此时开始淋浴,同时通过LCD液晶显示淋浴时间或定时时间,当定时时间快到时,通过蜂鸣器进行声音报警,并一分钟后关闭电磁阀,从而达到淋浴节水效果。 关键词:Pro tel DXP; 电路设计; Wo rd 文档; 仿真性能 Design of Infrared Automatic Shower Based on MCU Abstract: Altiums Protel DXP2004 was launched in 2004, the latest version of the circuit design software, which enables from conceptual design, level design and production data until the output of all this analysis between the validation and design data management. The current popular Protel 98, Protel 99 SE, is its pre-release. Protel DXP 2004 is not a simple PCB (printed circuit board) design tools, but by the number of modules of the system tools, namely, SCH (schematic) design, SCH (schematic diagram) simulation, PCB (printed circuit board ) design, Auto Router (Autorouter) and FPGA design, covering the entire PCB physical design as the core. The software project management, schematic and PCBs two-way synchronization, multi-channel design, automatic routing topology and circuit simulation technology combined with the circuit design provides a powerful support. With earlier versions - Protel99 compared, Protel DXP 2004 not only in appearance even more luxurious, humane, but also greatly enhanced the synchronization circuit design, and incorporates VHDL and FPGA design system, its function has greatly strengthened . Protel is an excellent electronic circuit design software, developed rapidly in recent years. Protel-aided design of electronic circuits is very important electronic professional courses. Keywords:infrared sensors; shower; induction;


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