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毕业设计(论文) 姜油树脂的超声波、微波提取及功能性研究 STUDY ON EXTRACTION BY ULTRASONIC WAVE AND MICROWAVE AND FUNCTION OF GINGER OLEORESIN 学生姓名 学院名称 食品工程学院 专业名称 食品科学与工程 指导教师 2012年 6月 10日 摘要 本文以生姜为原料,通过单因素和正交试验对姜油树脂提取工艺中溶剂种类、乙醇浓度、处理时间、料液比、粉末颗粒大小、提取次数等影响姜油树脂提取率的因素进行了探讨。确定了超声波提取姜油树脂的最佳工艺:鲜生姜60℃远红外干燥,粉碎过60目筛,60%乙醇为溶剂,1:10料液比条件下超声处理15 min,提取2次,此条件下姜油树脂的提取率达到3.01%。微波提取的最佳工艺为:以70%乙醇为溶剂,1:12.5料液比条件下,250W微波处理60 s,姜油树脂的提取率为1.84%。 对生姜乙醇提取液进行了抗氧化活性研究,结果表明两种方式提取得到的姜油树脂都具有一定的清除羟基自由基和DPPH自由基的能力,清除能力与浓度呈较明显的量效关系,且微波提取的姜油树脂对自由基的清除率略大于超声波的。姜油树脂的稳定性实验表明,姜油树脂在非碱性条件下对温度、光照和食盐浓度等具有较好的稳定性,能适用于食品生产。 对生姜的60%乙醇提取液进行GC/MS分析,鉴定出的22种化合物,其中有4种属于姜辣素,相对含量达到31.98%,表明了生姜乙醇提取液中富含姜辣素抗氧化活性成分。 关键词:姜油树脂;姜辣素;提取;超声波;微波;抗氧化性;稳定性 Abstract Ultrasonic wave extraction technology and microwave extraction technology of ginger oleoresin in \t _self ginger were studied. Effects of solvent species, ethanol concentration, extraction time, ratio of material to liquid, particle size, extraction times and pretreatment method on extraction rate of gingerol were investigated by single factor and orthogonal test. The optimum extraction conditions for gingerol by ultrasonic wave technology were identified as the follows: the particle size as 60 screen mesh, 60% ethanol(V/V) as solvent, ratio of material to liquid as 1:10(W/V), extraction time 15 min with two times after far-infrared drying 60℃ of fresh ginger. The extraction ratio of ginger oleoresin was up to 3.01%.and the optimum extraction conditions by microwave technology were determined as the follows: 70% ethanol as solvent, ratio of material to liquid as 1:12.5, the power of microwave as 250W, extraction time 60 s, the extraction ratio of ginger oleoresin was up to 1.84 %. The antioxidant activity of ginger oleoresin by ethanol was studied. Results showed that ginger oleoresin with ultrasonic wave technology and microwave technology both had good scavenging effect to hydroxyl free radical and DPPH free radical, and the scavenging activity obvious dose-effect relat



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