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精品 精品 本科毕业设计说明书 本科毕业设计说明书 题 题 目:左轴承座零件钻孔专机设计及主轴箱部装设计 学生姓名: 学 院: 系 别: 专 业:机械设计制造及其自动化 班 级: 指导教师: 二 〇 一 二 年 六 月 精品 摘 要 专用机床是以通用部件和少量通用部件组成的工序集中的高效率机床。专用机床多采用多轴、多刀、多工序、多面或多工位同时加工的方式,生产效率比通用机床高几倍至几十倍。由于通用部件已经标准化和系列化,可根据需要灵活配置,能缩短设计和制造周期,因此,专用机床兼有低成本和高效率的优点,在大批、大量生产中得到广泛应用,并可用以组成自动生产线。 本次设计为轴承座钻孔专用机床,是完成8个孔同时加工的机床。主要有以下几个方面: 1.方案的制定,根据提供的零件图,通过相关材料分析制定可行性方案并拟定加工工艺规程; 2.“三图一卡”:工序图、加工示意图、尺寸联系图的绘制以及生产率计算卡的计算,根据要求设计图纸; 3.主轴箱结构的设计,包括动力系统、传动系统的制定,轴的设计,齿轮的设计,轴承的选择,润滑系统的制定; 4.零件图的绘制,包括轴、齿轮; 5.说明书的撰写。 关键词:专用机床;主轴箱;三图一卡 Abstract Special machine tools based on general parts and a small amount of concentrated general parts of the special machine efficient process. Special machine tools used more multi-axis, many knives, more processes, and multi-faceted or multistage and processing way than general machine, production efficiency, high several times or more. Because gm components have standardization and serialization, can according to need flexible configuration, can shorten the design and manufacturing cycle, therefore, special machine tool with the advantages of low cost and high efficiency, in the large, mass-produced extensively, and can be used to form an automatic production line. This design for bracket drilling special machine tool, is also completed eight holes and processing of the special machine tool. This design mainly in the following aspects: 1. According to the formulation of programmes, providing the parts drawing through relevant material analysis, the feasibility plan and plan formulated processing procedures; 2. three graph one card : process graph, processing schemes, size contact drawing and productivity calculation according to requirements of calculation, card design drawings; 3. Spindle box structure design, including power system and transmission system, the design of the formulation of shaft, the gear design, bearing the formulation of choice, lubricating system; 4. Component drawing, including shaft, gear; 5. Written instructions.


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