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摘 要 HEBEI UNITED UNIVERSITY 毕业设计说明书 GRADUATE DESIGN 设计题目:扎煤公司铁北煤矿设计 学 院:矿业工程学院 摘 要 该设计的煤矿为扎煤公司铁北煤矿。设计规模1.5Mt/a。井田走向长5.5km,倾斜长4.5km,面积为21.6km2,煤层总厚度33.5m。本次设计主要是针对Ⅱ煤层群的Ⅱ2a煤层,倾角约6°的煤层,平均厚度为6.0m,井田地质条件较为简单。 矿井工业资源储量为382 .779Mt,可采储量为176.858 Mt。矿井服务年限为84年,矿井平均涌水量450m3/h,最大涌水量600m3/h,矿井瓦斯涌出量较低,为低瓦斯矿井。 矿井为主斜井、副立单水平开拓,采用走向长壁一次采全高采煤法,全部跨落法处理采空区。大巷采用胶带输送机运煤,辅助运输采用架线电机车,矿井通风系统为分区对角式。 矿井年工作日为330d,工作制度为“三八”制,两班生产,一班检修。生产班每班2个循环,日进4个循环,循环进尺0.8 m。 关键词:主斜井;副立井;盘区;低瓦斯;综合机械化 Abstract Abstract This paper mainly focus on lingxin coal mine。The designed mine production ability is 1.5Mt/a. Minefield covers an area of 21.6km2, whose tendency is 4.5 km while whose trend is 5.5 km.. The total thickness of mine is 33.5m. This design mainly directs at the Ⅱ2a coal seam, whose inclination is 6° and average thickness is 6m. The geological conditions are very well. The proved reserves of this coal mine are 382.8Mt and the minable reserves are 176.9Mt, with a mine life of 84a. The normal mine inflow is 450m3/h and the maximum mine inflow is 600m3/h. The coal mine has low mine gas emission rate. The coal mine is one level in the inclined and shaft well to expand. The coal mine uses fully-mechanized coal mining technology, and fully caving method to deal with roof.The main roadway adopts a belt conveyor and the electric locomotive. Mine ventilation system use the partition of diagonal. The coal mine produced 330d/year. The working system is “three-eight”, with two teams mining, and the other overhauling. Every mining team makes two working cycle, with four working cycle everyday. Advance of working cycle is 0.8m. keyword:main slant, auxiliary shaft, panei, low gas, integrated mechanization 目 录 目 录 PAGE III 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 1 矿区概述及井田地质特征 1 1.1矿区概述 1 1.1.1位置与交通 1 1.1.2自然地理概况 2 1.1.3水源和电源 2 1.1.4邻井与小井 3 1.2地质特征 3 1.2.1地层 3 1.2.2地质构造 4 1.2.3水 文 地 质 5 1.3煤层特征 8 1.3.1可采煤层 8 1.3.2煤质 9 1.3.3瓦斯 9 1.3.4煤尘爆炸性 9 2 井田境界与储量 10 2.1井田境界


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