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西安石油大学本科毕业设计(论文) PAGE PAGE 77 张天渠联合站储油罐区安全监控系统的设计 摘要: 随着石油化工企业的发展和国家原油战略储备库项目的实施,大型的石化企业均建有大量的各种储罐。储罐是企业生产、储存、运输过程中的重要环节,具有占地面积广、布置密集和储存量大等显著特点。因其储存的物质大多具有易燃、易爆特性和毒害性,将其划为高危险性的操作单元。由于罐内储存的物品都具有较高的挥发性,一旦发生泄漏事故,挥发出的油气随风可弥散数千米的区域,如遇明火或高温物体,就有可能引发火灾或爆炸事故。因此,储油罐区一般是油库内的高危险区域[1]。 油罐区是重大工业危险源,数量多、危险性大。罐区油品的进出、收付非常频繁,由此引发的事故也较多,一旦发生火灾、爆炸等事故,不仅造成经济损失,环境污染,而且还可能引发更大的联锁失火、爆炸等恶性事故,给人们的生命财产带来重大损失,甚至会给社会带来灾难性的后果。因此,为了安全的需要,控制石油储罐区,加强储油罐区的安全监控是十分必要的。 针对储油罐区的安全监控,本文主要介绍了国内外储油罐区安全监控系统的研究成果和研究动向;对储油罐区的液位、压力、温度、泄漏等重要参数的实时检测、控制;对储油罐区火灾自动探测、报警、灭火系统的设计;对储油罐区防雷防静电技术的研究。 本文介绍的内容有一定的实用价值,可供储油罐区建立安全监控系统时参考。 关键词:储油罐区安全监控;光纤传感器;消防监控系统。 Tank area safety monitoring system Abstract: Along with the development of petrochemical industries, as well as national oil strategic reserve library projects, oil tank is gradually to large-scale development. In 1962, the United States first established a 10 × 104m3 floating roof tank; in 1967, in Venezuela, built a 15 × 104m3 floating roof tank; Japan in 1971 and built a 16 × 104m3 floating roof tank; Saudi Arabia has successfully built a 20 × 104m3 floating roof tank. The worlds single-tank capacity of up to 240,000 m3. China in 1985 imported from Japan 100,000 m3 floating roof tank design and construction technology, more than ten years later the construction of 100,000 m3 Tank Tatsu large more than 20 Units. Now 100,000 m3 of storage tanks is not uncommon, and so enormous tank fire explosion, the consequences are unimaginable. For example: Huangdao depot eight ? 12 major fire accidents, causing direct economic losses of 35.4 million yuan, 600 tons of crude oil entering the sea, so near the sea and coastal pollution to a certain extent. Tank farm is a major industrial hazards, quantity many, high-risk. Oil tank access, collection and payment is very frequent, resulting in a lot of accidents, in the event of fire, explosion and other accidents, not only cause economic loss, environmental pollution, but also may lead to greater interlocking fire, e


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