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摘 摘 要 沥青混合料由于水稳性不足而产生的水损害是沥青路面的主要病害之一,它 严重影响到了路面的使用寿命和服务水平。本文在综合比较各种沥青混合料水稳 性试验研究成果的基础一L,结合耒宜高速公路和商开高速公路科研课题,通过沥 青路面分析仪(APA)的浸水车辙试验及其它大量试验,进行了沥青混合料的水稳 性试验研究。 针对传统的评价沥青与矿料的粘附性试验、评价沥青混合料水稳性的物理力 学性能试验方法存在的不足,采用APA浸水车辙试验,较好的模拟了实际路面在 发生水损害时的条件和状态,是一种较好的动态模拟试验方法,也是一种有效的 评价沥青混合料水稳性的试验方法。 通过对不同沥青混合料的APA干法车辙试验和浸水车辙试验对比分析,提出 了车辙比(R)的概念,车辙比反映了水对于不同混合料浸蚀作用的程度,采用车 辙比可以比较出不同混合料灼抗水损害能力的好坏,也证明了APA浸水车辙试验 的有效性。 根据浸水车辙试验的发展规律,引入了浸水压密稳定度I/Kl及浸水车辙稳定 度1/K2两个评价指标,可以用来表征混合料剥落性能和抵抗水损害的能力,能够 比较出混合料在浸水车辙试验中性能的差异,这两个指标可以直接应用于APA浸 水车辙试验的结果分析。 对耒宜高速公路和商开高速公路四种沥青混合料在考虑不同影响因素的基础 上,如沥青、级配、空隙率、温度、荷载及添加水泥等,应用最大车辙变形值、 车辙比及上述两个指标比较T;lq同沥青混合料水稳性能的优劣。 关键词:沥青混合料水稳性APA浸水车辙试验车辙比 浸水压密稳定度 浸水车辙稳定度 AbstractMoisture Abstract Moisture damage is the primary crab of the asphalt pavements because the moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixtures is insufficiency,the life and the function of pavements are influenced severely.In the paper other researching progenys of moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixtures are colligated and compared,the projects of Leiyi freeway of Hunan and Shangkai freeway of Henan are integrated.the moisture susceptibility researching is carried through by asphalt pavement analyzer(APA)in the Pal:ler. The conventional testing all have their deficiency,APA water submerged rut testing can simulate the pavement’S condition when pavement encounter the water damage.It is a dynamic testing and a effective testing for appraising the moisture susceptibility of asphalt mixtures. Rut ratio(R)is brought forwarded through comparing the results of rut testing and water submerged rut testing,the rut ratio can reflect the water damage grades of asphalt mixtures,also can distinguish the ability of asphalt mixtures resisting water damage.It also prove the APA water submerged rut testing is effective. The water submerged tightness stability(I/K1)and water submerged stability(i/K2) also are brought forward.Using them Call distinguish the ability of asphalt mixtures resisting water damage,and distinguish the diff


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