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李贺的童心说具有本体论意义,继承了心学对生命个体的重 视,同时克服了心学先验道德论的理论局限,从本体论的高度肯定了 个体的自由,还原人的自然本性。他以骨力的人生观确立个体价 值,用童心来揭示艺术的情感一一审美本质。最后以游艺 的心境将人生观和艺术观统一于个体的审美生存中,从朴实无华的日 常生活中领悟和体验到生命凿凿趣味。 关键词:李费:人生观:艺术观:童心:骨力;审美生存 E ABSTRACTLi ABSTRACT Li Zhi was born in a fami ly of free atmosphere in Ouanzhou, an international metropolis with a combination of multi—national culture at that time,and his ancestors embraced Islam with eager acceptance.Naturally,Li Zhi was reluctant to believe in Confucianism,Buddhism and Taoism and showed no enthusiasm to Confucius,fame and fortune.Meanwhiie,craft industry was greeted with a dramatic development in coastal cities of China during the late Ming dynasty and the seeds of capital ism and rise of the middle class began to appear,with a reflection of ideological trend embodying psychology.Wang Ji,Wang Gen,l iberated each individual l ife and affirmed the normal requirements of people by putting Confucianism in common customs. It is in this ideological background that Li Zhi’S ’disintereted mind9,his theoretical basis of philosophy and value,was born.The kernel of”disintereted mind”is freedom. which means that individuals establish their freedom with no disturbing of truth and views outside,thus individual’S personality,self-awareness and value are also established.It is also the first time that equality of human,abandonment of holy fools and difference between holy and fatuity are raised. Individuals establish their own values from the theory of ”di sintereted mind”,thus,individual should have its unique philosophy.As reflected in philosophy View,Li Zhi’S Ⅲ phi phi losophy represents a special one with the symbol of independent personal ity, which pursues independent personality of holiness from individual’S own standard of self judgment.As reflected in artistic outlook,Li Zhi advocates the unity of truthnature and culturepersonal ity,making the ri se of popular culture status from hi storical perspect ive. Li Zhi was unwi l l ing to attend imperial e



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