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华北电力大学硕士学位论文摘要 华北电力大学硕士学位论文 摘要 近年来,伴随着互联网经济的腾飞,我国的第三方物流企业迎来了新一轮的 显著发展机遇,与机遇共同而来的是激烈的竞争以及由此给企业形成的新挑战。 为了不断获取更大的市场份额,在竞争中脱颖而出,第三方物流企业纷纷在产品、 技术、资金、人才等诸多方面加大投入。绩效管理是企业管理的生命线,是企业 内部运营的重中之重,如何建立一套有效的绩效管理体系,t‘最大限度地调动员工 的积极性和能动性也成为了诸多企业关注的焦点。 首先,本文在研究绩效管理国内外理论和方法的基础上,结合升成物流公司 所处的行业背景和企业现状,通过资料搜集、深度访谈等方法,对公司现行的营 销人员绩效管理体系进行了全面审视,通过两种方式的结合,既总结出了现行绩 效体系中存在的问题,又对问题背后的成因做出了分析,并且对员工的认知度和 满意度有了一定的把握。 其次,针对公司现行绩效管理体系的问题及原因,对升成物流公司营销人员 的绩效管理体系进行优化,并提出了相应的实施保障措施,使其更能适应公司现 阶段的发展需要。优化后的绩效管理体系更具有战略导向性、指标设置更客观清 晰、绩效管理流程更完整、更能够对员工发挥培育作用。 本论文的研究成果对升成物流公司营销人员的绩效管理体系具有积极的促 进作用,同时,对其它第三方物流企业营销人员绩效管理体系的建立也有一定的 参考价值。 关键词:绩效管理;营销人员;第三方物流公司 万方数据 华北电力大学硕士学位论文Abstract 华北电力大学硕士学位论文 Abstract With the fly of the interact economy,the 3PL companies in our country have entered a new era,in which both significant development and mole intense competition ale anticipated.Small wonder that many of them are tryiIlg hard to get a higher level in product,technology,capital,talent,ete.Performance management plays a key role in business operation,SO how to build all effective system of performance management has become the focus ofmore and more enterprises. Based on the theories and methods of performance management at home and abroad,the research gave a comprehensive review of the present marketing personnel performance management system in ShengCheng Logistics Company firstly,in which both industry and company statuses were considered.By data-collection and depth interviews,the problems and behind reasons of the present system are found,and we also knew the staffs cognition and satisfaction degree on it. Then the research made recommendations to optimize the present marketing personnel performance management system according to the problems and reasons discussed above.The optimized system has more clear and objective indicators,more complete process,which is also more strategy oriented and more able to play the role ofstafftraining. The research findings Can promote the sales performance management system posit


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