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摘要摘要 摘要 摘要 振动沉模大直径现浇混凝土薄壁管桩(简称PCC桩)是河海大学岩土工程 科学研究所刘汉龙教授等自主开发的新型桩基技术,对深厚软土地基加固有快 速、经济和有效的提高承载力、减小沉降等优点,已经在我国东部很多地区得到 广泛应用。目前对路堤荷载下PCC单桩复合地基承载和沉降性状的研究较多, 而复合地基群桩间的相互作用性状研究较少,群桩之间的桩.土荷载分担和相互 影响关系还不是十分清楚,本文在总结前人的工作基础上,通过现场试验监测和 有限元分析方法,对PCC桩复合地基群桩工作性状进行了研究。论文完成的主 要工作有: 1.开展了国内外刚性桩复合地基设计方法对比研究,提出了采用Combarieu负 摩擦原理和德国道路设计规范EBGEO来计算PCC桩复合地基桩土荷载分担的 方法。 2.通过上海A4高速公路PCC桩复合地基群桩现场试验,分析了不同填土高度 和桩间距下,PCC桩土沉降变形、压力变化和桩土荷载分担的规律。PCC群桩 效率系数可以借鉴港口规范中高承台下粘土中的群桩计算方法,考虑桩间土的作 用进行简化计算。 3.利用有限元软件ABAQuS,建立三维复合地基群桩模型,分析了垫层模量、 持力层、桩体几何参数对PCC桩群桩效应的影响,得到PCC桩复合地基设计参 数如桩长、桩间距和持力层等选取的一般规律。 关键词:路堤荷载 刚性桩复合地基PCC桩 群桩效应 有限元分析 本文研究得到国家自然科学基金“现浇混凝土薄壁管桩复合地基加固机理 与计算方法研究(No"的资助 AB AB STRACT Thin-wall pipe pile using cast—in—situ concrete(PCC pile in short)technique is a new ground improvement technology developed independently by Proc.Hanlong LIU et al,Geotechnical Institute of Hohai University.As a new type of pile,it has many advantages,such as,fast construction,economize concrete and improve soil with efficacy,increase the bearing capacity and reduce the settlement of deep soft soil. Many researchers have already analyzed the simple PCC pile composite foundation, while the mechanism and effect of group PCC piles is not clear,in particular under the road embankment in the high way.The study is launched to address the concept and mechanism of PCC group piles composite foundation. Following are the main works fulfilled. 1.Introduce different experiments and concept methods for the rigid pile composite foundation;compare the result by using a small example,The PCC pile composite foundation design can make use of these conclusions. 2.Based on the field test results of Shanghai XINWEI expressway,analyze the PCC pile group effect with the different height of road embankment and pile spacing.The PCC pile group coefficient can be calculated by the method of Yang keyi in considering the influence of soil load between two piles. 3. Use the Finite Element software(ABAQUS)to simulate the PCC pile group effec


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