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Research On Deng Xiaoping’S modernization theor3,iS of great significance for accelerating the speed of China’S socialiSt modernization construction, s,Aentifically generalizing the experience ot’socialist with Chinese characteristics, Woperly recognizing the route、guiding principlespolicy advanced by the Chinese Communist Party since the reformopening—up and penetrating into Deng Xiaoping’S theory Mcanwhile.it iS of stron3 sense fof understanding the SC;entific systemmental essence of the important iden of Three Representatives and
!’’ising the age tendency ofChinese modernization development
According to the academic developments about Deng Xiaoping’S modernization theory in recen ars,this thesis has analyzed the theoretical conditions、historical conditions&age conditions of the formation of Deng
、iaoping’S modernization theory,started with the conditions of the formation of
i’eng Xiaoping’S modernization theory It holds that Deng Xiaoping’S modernization theory takes shape gradually based on such thought nutrient、
lfistorical background and the reality foothold It dissects the logic forill and thought
content of Deng Xiaoping’S modernization theory:Human’S modernization iS the
c r)I_e of China’S modernization;ComDrehensive modernization iS the goal of
CHnese modernization road;Thorough refolm is the effective channel of C‘hinese
modernization;Step-bv—step implement iS the strategic n_lcagure for Chinese modernization The thesis considers fhat Deng Xiaoping’S theory jS a scientitic theory of modernization which is based on China’S national conditions and very nlanipulative It sees through the main character and theoretical features of Deng yiaoping’S modernization theory,and recognizes the main features as follows:Push c‘,nstantly the new practice of modernization based On emancipating the mind: Generalize incessantly the new experience of modernization based on the masses’ Cl eation;Initiate unceasingly the new prospect of moderni
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