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英语holle教案 篇一:Hello 小学英语教案 Hello! 教案 (The first period) Grade Three 教学目标: 理解和认读单词:teacher, student, classmate,学会“Hi, Hello”等基本问候语以及“I’m …”句型来介绍自己的名字以及学会认识新的小朋友;如果允许,拓展其他的问候语,例如:Nice to meet you./ How are you?等等。 教学准备:多媒体课件PPT、人物头饰、布偶等等。 教学活动: 1. 英语儿歌视频《hello》 2. 角色扮演:闻声传宝: hello 3. 小小外交官:贴纸 教学过程: 1. Warm-up A.Greeting教师与小朋友打招呼,进行日常问候。导入新知。 T: Hello, boys and girls. I’m Annie. And I’m your English teacher. Can you say “hello” to me ? Ss: Hello, Annie. T: Very good! You are so kind! T : Give me five. B. 教师与小朋友进行热身小活动。 a. “Annie Says”stand up/ sit down/ turn around... b. Clap your hands 2. Presentation A.教唱呈现。教师通过播放相关的儿歌视频,鼓励小朋友随着音乐一起拍手,并且教唱,呈现本节课的内容。 T: Now, let’s begin our new class. Firstly, let’s enjoy a new song and try to sing it together. OK? (Play the video twice and lead the children to clap their hands together.) Ss: OK! b.角色对话。教师让助教带上人物头饰(Sarah),然后像小朋友展示”hello”对话。设置情景,我们有一个新朋友来访。 T:Hello. I’m Annie. Ta: Hello. I’m Sarah. T:Well. Nice to meet you. Ta: Nice to meet you, too. c.对话操练。接着教师带上另外一个人物头饰(Mike)尝试与小朋友进行对话,表现好的小朋友奖励小贴纸。 T: Hello./ Hi. S1: Hello./ Hi. T: I’m Mike. And you? What’s your name? S1: I’m .... T:Very good. Nice to meet you. S1: Nice to meet you, too. T:Hello. I’m Mike. S2: Hello. I’m ... T:Hello. I’m Mike. S3: Hello. I’m... 3. Practice. a.教师播放hello儿歌,然后用一个小布偶作为道具,随着音乐的响起,小朋友们一个挨着一个地传递布偶,音乐停止时,布偶停止传递,此时手里正拿着布偶的小朋友要进行hello对话,表现好的小朋友奖励贴纸。 T: Pass the doll, please. When the music stops and the doll is in your hand. You should stand up and say hello to all of us. Understand? Ss: Yes. T: Fine, here we go. b.小小外交官游戏。 教师给每位小朋友5张小贴纸,然后小朋友通过互相进行问候和打招呼来认识新朋友,如果小朋友愿意与他的新伙伴做朋友就送他/她一张贴纸,最后看谁交的新朋友最多,得到的贴纸最多,谁就是最棒的外交官。 T: Boys and girls. Do you want to make some new friends? You can go towards your new friends and say hello to them. If they would like to make friends with you, they will



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