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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * English Grammar 1. Definition of Relative Clause A relative clause is a clause that is introduced by a relative word by a relative pronoun or by a relative determiner or by a relative adverb I shall never forget the day when I entered the university. antecedent Relative clause by a relative pronoun Substitute sb. Substitute sth. Substitute sb. / sth. As subject who which that As object whom which that As attributive Whose (of whom) Whose (of which) examples He is a man who / that means what he says. People whose dog bite other people should keep them tied up. The few points ( which / that ) the president stressed in his report are very important indeed. by a relative adverb Relative adverbs Substituted antecedent functions when Nouns denoting time Adverbial of time where Nouns denoting place Adverbial of place why reasons Adverbial of reason Examples In the years when (that / in which ) food was not enough many people were starved to death. The next day John went with me to the railway station, where I bought a ticket for Beijing. That is the reason why (that / for which ) I am not in favor of the plan. 2. Only “that” in use, not “which, who, whom” Much that I learned in the book is very useful. Professor Li has told us something that we should do in the summer vacation. Antecedent: all, everything, nothing, something, anything, little, much, none, few 2. Only “that” in use, not “which, who, whom” This is most interesting film that has been produced in recent years. The first thing I am going to do is to write to my parents. ordinal numeral / superlative degree + Antecedent 2. Only “that” in use, not “which, who, whom” the only, the very, the same, the last + Antecedent This is the very book that belongs to him. 2. Only “that” in use, not “which, who, whom” This is the very book that I have been looking for. There is no person that doesn’t make mistakes. no / every / some / only / very


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