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BRITISH STANDARD BS EN 440:1995 I S B ) c ( , Welding y p o C d consumables — e l l o r t n Wire electrodes and o c n U 7, deposits for gas 0 0 2 0 shielded metal arc 0 : 0 0 + T welding of non alloy M G 7 2 and fine grain steels — : 5 3 : 3 0 Classification 3 1 b e F e u T , ) C S I J ( l o o p r e v i L f o y t i s r e v i n U , a n a The European Standard EN 440:1994 has the status of a n British Standard : y p o C d e s n e UDC 621.791.042:621.791.754:669.141.15 c i L BS EN 440:1995 Committees responsible for this British Standard I S B ) c ( , The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical y Committee WEE/39, Welding consumables, upon which the following bodies p o were represented: C d Aluminium Federation e l l o Associated Offices Technical Committee r t n Association of Welding Distributors o c British Association for Brazing and Soldering n U British Compressed Gases Association , 7 British Constructional Steelwork Association Ltd. 0 0 British Steel Industry 2 0 Electricity Association 0 : 0 Engineering Equipment and Materials Users’ Association 0 + Lloyd’s Register of Shipping T M



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