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Strategies for English-Chinese
Film TV Subtitling
(英汉影视字幕翻译策略);Two forms of translation of English films and TV series:;Natures of Film TV Subtitles(影视字幕的特性);translation of written or printed materials translation of film and TV subtitles
(文字材料的翻译 Vs 影视字幕的翻译)
;Translation of printed or written materials:
;Translation of film TV subtitles;film and TV subtitles:
;Time and Space Constraints(时间和空间限制);Time and Space Constraints;Natures of Film TV Subtitles:;Principles for English-Chinese Film TV Subtitling(影视字幕翻译原则);Example 1-- He’s probably not there, but if I don’t at least look, I’ll always wonder about it. from Sleepless in Seattle (西雅图夜未眠);Example 2 -- Yes, I would just like to know where I could get this man’s address. from Sleepless in Seattle ;Example 3-- And for a while I could not enter, for the way was barred to me.
from Rebecca
(蝴蝶梦);Example 4-- She stood there laughing, her black hair blowing in the wind-- and told me all about herself - everything.
from Rebecca;Techniques for English-Chinese Film TV Subtitling(英汉影视字幕翻译技巧);1.Using Simple Syntactic Structures (选用简单的句型结构);2. Using Simple Vocabularies (选用简单词汇);◆Many a little makes a mickle. 集腋成裘
→ 积少成多
◆ foot of a mountain 山麓
→ 山脚
◆ origin, source 滥觞
→ 来源,起源
◆ be of great benefit 大有裨益
→ 大有好处;Reducing Source Text (缩减原文);Will the conveyance of information much affected if we reduce the original utterance? (如果缩减原来的话语,信息传递会受到很大的影响吗?);1) Deletion (省略);Example 1Gump’s mother tried to persuade the principal of an elementary school to admit Forrest. -- Well, we’re all different. -- 所有人都不相同
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