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丽江市林业建设现状及林业发展对策 本文档格式为WORD,若不是word文档,则说明不是原文档。 最新最全的 学术论文 期刊文献 年终总结 年终报告 工作总结 个人总结 述职报告 实习报告 单位总结   摘要:丽江市林业发展存在着林业产业体系建设滞后,局部生态环境恶化,森林整体质量不高,林业投资机制不健全,资源林政管理难度较大,林改中问题多等问题。文章分析了林业发展的有力条件:各级政府高度重视,生态体系建设成效显著,林业产业发展迅速,生态旅游发展前景广阔等。从林业发展的指导思想和总体目标、林业生态建设、林业产业体系建设和林业发展保障体系建设等方面详细阐述了林业发展的基本思路与对策。   关键词:林业建设;林业发展;林业生态体系;林业产业体系;丽江市   F316.23B1671 - 3168(2012)01 - 0086 - 06   Forestry Construction Status and Development Strategy in Lijiang   HAN Jianming   (Forestry Bureau of Lijiang, Lijiang, Yunnan 674100, China)   Abstract: This paper introduced problems existing in Lijiang forestry development, i。e。, forestry industry system fall behind, local ecological environment get worsen, lower quality of forest overall, unsound forestry investment mechanism, greater difficulty in forest resources management, lots of problems existing in the forestry reform。 This paper also analyzes powerful conditions of the forestry development: governments at all levels attach great importance to forestry development, remarkable effectiveness of ecological system construction, the rapid development of the forestry industry, broad prospects for development of ecotourismvarious, etc。 The basic train of thought and countermeasures of forestry development has been elaborated in detail from following aspects: the guiding ideology and overall objective of forestry development, the forestry ecological construction, forestry industry system construction and safeguard system construction of forestry development etc。   Key words: forestry construction; forestry development; ecological system of forestry; forestry industry system; Lijiang    收稿日期:2012 - 01 - 19;修回日期:2012 - 01 - 28.   作者简介:韩建明(1966 - ),男,云南永胜人,工程师。从事森林资源管理工作。丽江市地处金沙江中游,生态区位极其重要,是国家林业生态屏障建设的重要区域。丽江林业兴衰和森林生态系统服务功能的优劣,不仅影响到当地经济社会可持续发展,而且关乎到长江中下游的生态安全。   1基本情况    丽江市位于滇西北高原,金沙江中游,地理位置为北纬25°23′~27°56′,东经99°23′~101°31′,全市国土总面积为20 550 km2,其中山区占总面积的92.3%,全市辖1区 4县 63个乡镇,2011年末全市总人口为125万人。



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