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PAGE PAGE 17 第3部分(陆空通话) 1、SIA852; 2、QFA358; 3、UAL182; 4、SIA 223 5、AFR941; 6、AFR113; 7、CZ542; 8、BAW931 9、UAL 805; 10、UAL219; 11、CCA512; 12、AFR101 13、CES5118 14、SIA101 15、ACA517 16、CZ319 17、QFA923 18、CZ371 19、SIA615 20、MU2151 21、CES556 22、CCA937 23、AFR896 24、UAL831 25、CCA976 1、SIA 852 B: Your call sign is SIA 852, you are at Wuhan Airport, stand 7, received ATIS M, request ATC clearance to Singapore. P: Delivery, SIA 852, stand 7, information M received, request ATC clearance to Singapore. C: SIA 852, cleared to Singapore via flight planned route, ZF 03D departure, initial climb to 1800m, cruising level 10400m, RWY 18L, departure frequency 124.7, squawk 4615. P: Cleared to Singapore via flight planned route, ZF 03D departure, initial climb to 1800m, cruising level 10400m, RWY 18L, departure frequency 124.7, squawk 4615, SIA 852. B: Now you are ready for push back and start up, contact Wuhan ground. P: Wuhan ground, SIA 852, ready for push back and start up. C: SIA 852, push back and start up at your own discretion自行决定. P: Push back and start up at own discretion, SIA 852. B: You have completed the pushback and start up procedures, you decided to make an intersection departure[,int?sek??n]交叉跑道起飞 from E2. Contact ground to request intersection departure from E2. P: Wuhan Ground, SIA 852, request an intersection departure from E2. C: SIA 852, roger, intersection departure from E2 is approved. Taxi to holding E2 via A6,A, A2. Hold short of RWY 18L. P: Intersection departure approved from E2. Taxi to holding E2 via A6,A, A2. Hold short of RWY 18L, SIA 852. B: During taxiing, you find a vehicle[vi:ikl] 车辆broken down 坏了on taxiway A, you have stopped the aircraft, inform ATC about this situation and request airport services to tow away拖走 the vehicle. P: Ground, SIA 852, there is a vehicle broken down on taxiway A, (we stopped the aircraft), request airport services to tow away the vehicle. C: Roger, hold at present position.


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