翻译理论与实践Translation Studies and Practice.ppt

翻译理论与实践Translation Studies and Practice.ppt

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1 翻译理论与实践 Translation Studies and Practice Please translate the following 1. The thicker carpet killed the sound of my footsteps. 2. 走好。 This course will be taught in bilingual languages I’ m poor with Chinese intonation Example 1 When I was as young as you are now, towering in confidence of twenty-one, little did I suspect that I should be at forty-nine, what I now am. a/ 我在你这个年纪的时候,二十出头,充满自信,意气风发,哪里会想到49岁今天的我呢? b/我在你这个年纪的时候,二十出头,小荷尖尖,意气风发,哪里会想到49岁今天的我呢? Example 2 二十岁的时候,有书店必逛,有书必买。三十岁之后,对书店视而不见,直接去了隔壁的美容院。 a/ At the age of twenty , I frequented the bookstores and bought whatever I found. After thirty , I ignored them and went ahead into the nearby beauty parlor. b/ At the age of twenty, the bookstore was a must for me, and I was a big book buyer. While after thirty, paying no attention to the bookstore, I breeze into the beauty parlor next door. Example 3 to gild (or paint) the lily 1.给百合花镀金 2.给百合花上色 3.花上贴金 4.花上添锦 5.锦上添花 6.画蛇添足 7.徒劳无益 8.多此一举 Two important tran. items Source languages.l. 译出语 Target languaget.l. 译入语 翻译不定性之说 由于翻译是一门博大精深的学问,虽然经过国内外学者的悉心研究,至今也未出现一套人人都能接受的翻译原则和一种人人都能满意的翻译原则。正是因为翻译具备这一与众不同的特征,它才如此有魅力,吸引着一代又一代致力于跨文化交际的人们立足于不同学科,从不同角度对它进行研究。 Example Comment on how difficult trans. is It often takes as long as ten days or even a whole month to establish a term in translation after repeated consideration and hesitation 一名之立,旬月踟躇。严复 I have always thought that translation is easier than writing, for at least you needn’t work out a plot. But as soon as you put to paper, you meet with obstacles. For instance, you can avoid a noun or a verb you cannot make good use of in writing, but you can’t do so in translation. You will have to continue to rack your brains for it until you get dizzy as if you are feeling in your head for a key to open a box, but in vein.鲁迅 Translation is creative work. Good translation is equal to creationSometimes translation is more difficult than writing. A writer must have exper


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