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I I 摘 要 本文通过对黎族文身在各个历史时期的情况进行分析研究,探讨了黎族先民百越民 族的文身、黎族文身的起源、黎族古代的文身史、民国时期黎族的文身、共和国成立后 黎族文身习俗的终止情况,并从中得出黎族文身随着社会历史发展出现变迁的结论。 首先对百越民族的文身历史进行了论述,从古籍中的记载和考古学资料可以看出古 越人的文化、风俗习惯的重要特征之一就是文身。因为百越广布于南方地区,所以从主 要的两个大区域介绍这一文化习俗,能够了解黎族作为百越的一支后裔在早期的文身情 况。接着对于学术界一直争论的关于文身的起源问题,笔者从文身起源的传说和后来学 者们的论著中归纳出一些具有代表性的观点说明黎族文身的缘起和原因。 然后从先秦到清代的各个重要时期的汉文古籍梳理出有关黎族文身的史料,对这些 零星、简略的汉文文献记载进行分析和探讨,对每一个朝代的黎族文身有了颇为清晰的 认识和了解。 由于民国时期对黎族文身的研究进入实地调查阶段,通过民族学、人类学的论证方 式记录了当时的黎族文身情况,因此笔者对民国时期几位学者在亲身调查海南岛黎族文 身现象后所作的学术作品进行分析总结,探讨了民国时期黎族文身习俗的历史及其演 变。 最后对新中国成立后黎族文身的衰变情况进行了介绍,包括文身的终止、反复和消 除文身的调查资料,进而探究了黎族文身之所以长久流传的原因和被终止的原因。 关键词: 黎族; 文身; 变迁 II II Abstract This article make a research on an analysis of Li nationality’s tattoos in various historical periods, discuss the ancestors of the Li nationality —the Baiyue’s tattoo, the origins Li's tattoo, Li’s tattoo in ancient history, Li’s tattoos during the Republican period, the termination of Li’s tattoo after the establishment of the Republic of China, and comes to the conclusions of Li’s tattoo changed with the development of the social and historical. First of all, discuss the history of Baiyue’s tatoos, from the ancient book’s records and Archaeological data, we can see that the tattoo is the one of important features of the BaiYue clan’s cultures and customs. As Baiyue spread widely in the southern region, introduce this cultural practices from the two main areas, we can see the early tattoo of Li as a descendant of Baiyue. Then for academic debate on the origin of tattoos, I summarize some representative views on the origin and cause of the Li tattoo from the legend of the origin of tattoos and summarized in the works of later scholars. It then comb some Li's tattoo historical materials in Chinese ancient books on various important periods of pre-Qin dynasty to the Qing dynasty. From these sporadic, brief Chinese documents and records, through the analysis and discussion, we have a rather clear awareness and understanding on Li’s tattoo of every dynasty. As in the



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