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山东师范大学硕二1.学位论文人本主义学习理论为理论基础,体现了现代教育新理念,是一种以弘扬人的主体 山东师范大学硕二1.学位论文 人本主义学习理论为理论基础,体现了现代教育新理念,是一种以弘扬人的主体 为宗旨、以促进人的可持续发展为目的的现代学习方式。从实践意义上来看,体 验式学习打破了传统阅读教学活动中教师讲、学生听,教师念、学生抄的单一、 被动学习方式,从而建立起一种主动而富有个性的学习方式。从一定意义上说, 正是体验式学习使课堂上优美的诗文不再被肢解,学子们的情感不再被束缚i阅 读活动真正成为学生生命体验的过程,自我理解、内化的过程,成为心灵充实、 人格完善的过程。 总之,语文阅读教学活动中的体验式学习是一种行之有效的学习方式,但不 意味着语文教育的其他学习方式就失去其意义和价值,体验式学习需要和其他学 习方式互为'牢l充,必能发挥它的最大效用。 关键词:体验式学习 语文阅读教学情感体验 分类号:G633.3 II 山东师范人学硕:l:学位论文Experiential 山东师范人学硕:l:学位论文 Experiential Learning in Chinese Reading Teaching Abstract Chinese is a basic subject,which plays an important part in students’learning process and personality formation.Employed as an important integrated part of content of Chinese curriculum,reading course has been focused for a long time.And in recent years,the innovation of students’learning style has become the core of new curriculum reform.Therefore,this paper studies the features,mentality and implementing strategies of students’experiential learning in Chinese reading teaching based on theory and personal experiment. The theory of experiential learning is the result of history.It has a rich history in the west,and a long history in china We call find the ideas about experiential learning from the scholars in china and in the west..According to this article, experiential study is that the learning subjects obtain explicit knowledge or tacit knowledge including cognative skill habitual and emotional attitude by observing practicing communicating and the awareness of objects signals and emotions or introspect in a certain situation.While in Chinese reading teaching,experiential learning should be that the subjects perceive the sense of beauty and acquire explicit knowledge or tacit knowledge including cognition,emotional attitude. Experiential learning in Chinese reading teaching emphasizes on participation of individuals and personality of reading seatiment.Teacher gives the students proper guide to communicate with the authors from their hearts when doing re


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