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万事日久自明。 时间是治愈一切创伤的良药。 时代在变,人也在变。 光阴一去不复返。 光阴似箭,一去不复返。 时间是锉刀,磨损静悄悄。 7.时间比金钱更宝贵。你能获取更多的金钱,但无法拥有更多的时间。 8.对于等待的人,时间太慢;对于害怕的人,时间太快;对于悲伤的人,时间太长;对于喜悦的人,时间太短;但对于心中有爱的人,时间就是永恒。 5,000 to 6,000 years Enhance candles burn down the passage of time sundials and hourglasses electronics no clockwork parts batteries winding Time indicated by numbers (by the clock) watch,minute hand,hour hand; 60 minutes, 24 hours, 7 days a week; timekeepers, calendars, schedules, clocks; fiscal year, academic years, weekdays, weekends, deadlines; artificial timing Time indicated by nature (by the seasons) blueberry, raspberry, blackberry season; lobsters that shed old shells and then harden new ones; low tide ;mussels; high tide; mackerels; natural rhythms The main idea THis passage provides a different perspective to think about the concept of time:escape from the artificial times and follow the natural rhythms. Idioms usually cannot be translated literally in another language. 成语通常不能照字面译成另一种语言。word-for-word shed n. 车棚,小屋,脱落物 vt. 使 ... 流出,散发,脱落,除掉 She shed crocodile tears (ie pretended to be sorry) when she dismissed him from his job. 她把他解雇时,流出了鳄鱼的眼泪(假装难过). The snow has banked up against the shed. 雪在小屋旁聚积起来。 Its too late to change your mind now; so there is no point in shedding tears. 你现在改变主意已经太迟了,所以为此而伤心落泪是毫无用处的。 Where is the tool shed? 工具棚在哪? lose track of 失去 ... 的线索 Mary lost track of her friends at camp after summer was over. 夏天过后,玛丽就和她一起宿营的朋友失去了联系。 The farmer has so many chickens, he can often lose track of them all. 这农民有许许多多小鸡,弄得他常常自己也数不清。 I do not see how you can slip out of write a report about that. 我看你躲不了要写一份有关这事的报告。 slip out of ones grasp 控制不住 The bay is not a store with opening hours set by its owner. 海湾可不是个由店主来决定营业时间的商店。 We are so removed from natural rhythms that we rarely realise how “unnatural” this is. How unnatural to fasten ourselves to time. 我们距离自然的节奏那么遥远,以至于感觉不到我们生活得有多么“不自然”,不能意识到把自己牢牢地绑在时间上是多么地不自然! The schedule—that control on our lives—was th


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