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2010 8 August 2010 36 8 Journal of Beijing Univers ity of Aeronautics and Astronautics Vo.l 36 No8 徐登峰 高阵雨 朱 煜 张 鸣 ( , 100084) : 针对一种三线摆水平隔振器, 首先在某一特定方向上 立了以摆动角 为 广义坐标的拉格朗日方程. 在某一摆动角下, 将立体图形投影到一个平面上, 通过几何关系的 求解, 将方程中所有变量转化为广义坐标 的函数, 得到了机构水平摆动固有频率的表达式. 然后根据表达式分析了机构结构参数对机构水平摆动固有频率的影响. 利用 MATLAB 得到一 些仿真结果, 通过分析得知增大负载支撑高度可以降低机构固有频率, 但同时会增加机构的高 度. 而在保证机构稳定的前提下, 根据整体设备的高度要求, 通过增大固定盘与摆动盘直径比 减小固定盘与摆动盘距离和支撑高度之比, 可以达到降低固有频率而不过分增加机构高度的 目的. : 水平隔振; 三线摆; 动力学 : TH 113. 1 : A : 10015 65( 2010) P rinc ip le and app licat ion of ho rizonta l suspens ion iso lato r constituted by trilinear pendu lum Xu Dengfeng Gao Zhenyu Zhu Yu ZhangM ing ( Departm ent of Precision Instrum ents andM echanology, T singhua University, Beijing 100084, China) Abstract: For the suspension isolator constituted by trilinear pendulum, the Lagrangian equation w ith sw ing angle as generalized coord inate w as established firstly at a particular d irection. W hen the sw ing angle w as a particular value, the threedmi ensional graphic w as projected onto a p lane, other variablesw ere conver ted to the functions of sw inging angle by solving geometric relations, thus the horizontal natural frequency can be obtained. The mi pact to horizontal natural frequency from mechanism structure parameters w ere analyzed through adjusting the parameters in a certain range. A lot of smi ulation resu ltsw erem ade byMATLAB. The resu lts show that increasing supporting length can reduce the natural frequency, but increase mechan ism height. It also show s that once mechan ism stab ility is insured, increasing the ratio of fixed d isk s d iam eter to sw


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