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Personal details Adolf Hitler???[`ad?lf `h?tl?] Born:20,April 1889 Austria (奥地利) Died:30,April 1945 Berlin, Germany(德国柏林) Nationality:Austrian citizen until 1925 German citizen after 1932 Political party:National Socialist German Workers Party ( Nazi ) Position: Chancellor(总理) of Germany?from 1933 to 1945 Dictator of?Nazi Germany? from 1934 to 1945 Early years Adolf Hitler was born in Braunau am Inn(勃劳瑙镇), Austria, a town borders Bavaria(巴伐利亚), Germany.Hitlers father worked in the customs bureau and his mother was a housewife. Hitler had three siblings(哥哥姐姐) but they all died in infancy(幼年) Early years 6-year-old Hitler always ran into the forest alone, training the power of voice. In the primary school, Hitler was an excellent student ,and he wanted to be an artist because of his talent for drawing. However, Hitlers father had made a successful career in the customs bureau and asked his son to follow in his footsteps ,which depressed Hitler and resulted in his poor performance on study in the following days. Early years Only 11 years old , Hitler had demonstrated a strong self awareness and revolt consciousness , and it was the consciousness, let him not to move or retreat belief. Early years Hitlers father sudden death on 3 January 1903. On 21 December 1907, his mother died aged 47. After his mothers death. Hitler worked as a casual labourer and eventually as a painter, selling watercolours to support life. During this time,he also pay attention to his concerned politics and read a great number of books on ultranationalism [`?ltr?`n???n?liz?m] and Anti-Semitism [`semitiz?m] .(极端民族主义和反犹主义) In May 1913, Hitler moved to Munich [`mju:nik].(慕尼黑,德国) Early years At the outbreak of World War I, Hitler volunteered to serve in the Bavarian(巴伐利亚,德国) army as an Austrian citizen. During the war,he was decorated for bravery, receiving the Iron Cross, Second Class(二级铁十字勋章), in 1914. And received the Iron Cross,


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