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目前我国奶牛养殖的三种主要模式 美国威斯康辛州普遍采用的水冲清粪系统的沉沙水道 粪尿发酵池 2.固液分离是目前大型牧场广泛使用的技术,糟渣可以是牛床的好垫料 天津标准化规模化牛场嘉立荷第十四牧场粪污处理 3. 堆肥 沼液施肥浇地 沉淀与清理。 在屋顶下 在地里 固体粪便贮藏 需要考虑的因素: 1.支柱围护墙体 2.流失/渗漏 3.板层(有顶或者无顶) 4.底面选择:碎石路,混凝土,沥青              粘土内衬粪浆贮藏池 粪便贮藏选择(浆粪和液粪)的材料选择: 1.粘土贮池 2.粘土,混凝土和合成材料 3.罐(混凝土,钢筋),分为地下和地上 粪浆贮藏混凝土内衬 固体作为垫料 生产有机肥 到达田间的粪便处理选择 撒肥机 粪便罐车 厌氧沼气池——利用沼气加热、发电 考核内容 项目解读 (二)病死牛无害化处理(2分) 病死牛均采取深埋或焚烧等方式进行无害化处理,得1分。 有病死牛无害化处理记录,得1分。 四、环保要求(12分) 考核内容 项目解读 (一)生产水平(4分) 泌乳牛年均单产大于6000千克得2分,大于7000千克得3分,大于8000千克,得4分。此记录以DHI测定记录为依据。 五、生产水平和质量安全(10分) 考核内容 项目解读 (二)生鲜乳质量安全(6分) 乳蛋白率大于2.95%,乳脂率大于3.40%,得1分;乳蛋白率大于3.05%,乳脂率大于3.60%,得2分。 体细胞数小于75万/毫升,得1分;小于50万/毫升,得2分。 菌落总数小于50万/毫升,得1分;小于20万/毫升,得2分。 五、生产水平和质量安全(10分) * * Create an installation that covers all needs and leads to a complete system and not to single solutions not fitting together – especially when talking about manure management One example: Flushing – popular system in some areas of the world – but if your set up on the farm does is not aligned with that and you flush for instance while you have the cows in the barn – you will for sure have contamination issues and hoof problems. We offer you planning and solutions that ensure an all over profitable business. If the soil in which a manure storage is constructed below ground is not impervious to water flow, some form of liner is required. Clay, concrete and synthetic liners have been used successfully. In this photo, concrete is used as a liner and the top of the berm has been located so runoff water is diverted from the storage. Fence posts have been installed, however there does not appear to be fencing installed yet. This is concerning for personal safety. One might raise the concern about where a vehicle leaving the roadway during an accident might end up. 60位转盘式挤奶机 2X24位并列式挤奶机 收奶区排水良好,地面硬化处理 不同储存温度细菌生长速度 贮存温度 刚挤的乳 24h 48h 72h 4.4℃ 4000 4000 5000 8000 15℃ 4000 160万 3300万 3.26亿 单位:cfu/mL 项目解读: 考核内容 项目解读 (一)


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