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第 21 卷 第 3 期 中  国  电  机  工  程  学  报  Vol. 21 No. 3 Mar. 2001 2001 年 3 月 Proceedings of the CSEE 2001 Chin. Soc. for Elec. Eng. 文章编号 (2001) 多区域互联电力系统的 PI 滑模负荷频率控制 1 2 2 孟祥萍 , 薛昌飞 , 张化光 ( 1. 长春工程学院电气工程系 ,长春 130012 ;  2. 东北大学信息科学与工程学院 ,沈阳 110006) PI SL IDING MODE LOAD FREQUENCY CONTROL OF MULTIAREA POWER SYSTEMS 1 2 2 MEN G Xiangping , XU E Changfei , ZHAN G Huaguang ( 1. Changchun Institute of Technology , Changchun , 130012 , China ; 2. Northeastern University , Shenyang , 110006 , China) ABSTRACT :A synthetic PI sliding mode control method used 是根据区域控制偏差实现的[1 ] ,这种基于传统区域 for load frequency control of multiarea power systems has been 控制偏差的 PI 辅助控制器虽然能够有效地调节联 proposed , the method has the advantages of PI and sliding mode Δ Δ control , sliding mode superface with integral item make the sys 络线功率偏差 Pt ie 、频率偏差 f 和区域控制偏差 tem can reach on sliding mode from initial time. After reaching A CE 到零, 但很难同时维持频率偏移引起的电钟误 on sliding mode , system is controlled by PI control based on A ε 差累积值 和净交换功率偏差引起的交换电量偏差 CEN. When considering generation rate constraint ( GRC) and 累积值 I 为零。 deadband , the proposed synthetic control method can make sys tem to have good performance , and can overcome the disadvan Kothari 等学者在文[2 ] 中首先提出了基于新区 tages of each control method. Results of simulation show that 域控制偏差 A CEN 的负荷频率控制 L FC (load fre the proposed method is


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