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第32 卷 第8 期 中 南 林 业 科 技 大 学 学 报 Vol. 32 No. 8
2012 年8 月 Journal of Central South University of Forestry Technology Aug. 2012
周元满,聂 页,刘美欣,叶沛栋,曹柄权,韩维栋
(广东海洋大学农学院,广东湛江524088 )
摘 要:运用计盒维数与关联维数对特呈岛红海榄纯林 (A )、红海榄+ 白骨壤(B) 、红海榄+ 木榄+ 白骨壤混
交林(C) 群落中红海榄的树冠分形特征进行分析,探讨红海榄在不同群落中树冠分形特征的差异以及树冠的生长
发育规律。结果表明:红海榄树冠具有较好的分形特征,其计盒维数为1.851 3,揭示了红海榄树冠对生态空间
3 种群落类型中树冠计盒维数的大小排序为A >C >B ;红海榄侧枝数的分布比较均匀,一级侧枝分布格局的
关联维数在1.573 9 ~1.715 6 之间,表明红海榄枝条的扩展能力较强,空间关联程度较高,有利于发挥其防风、
中图分类号:S727.2 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1673-923X (2012)08-0037-05
Fractal characteristics of crown structure of Rhizophora Stylosa natural forests
ZHOU Yuan-man, NIE Ye, LIU Mei-xin, YE Pei-dong, CAO Bing-quan, HAN Wei-dong
(Agriculture College of Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, Guangdong, China)
Abstract: The fractal characteristics of crown of natural Rhizophora stylosa populations in different communities such as Rhizophora
stylosa pure forest, R. stylosa+Avicennia mixed forest, R. stylosa+Avicennia +Bruguiera gymnorrhiza mixed forest in Techeng island
were analyzed and compared by applying box-counting dimension and correlation dimension, and their growth performances and
the differences in crown characteristics were discussed. The results show that Rhizophora in natural community had good fractal
characteristics, its box-counting dimension was 1.8513, thus revealing the strong ability to occupy and utilize the ecological space of
Rhizophora stylosa ; there were differences in crown fractal dimension among different communities, and the box-counting dimensio