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第41卷第1期 湖北大学学报(自然科学版) Vol.41  No.1  2019年1月 Journal of Hubei University(Natural Science) Jan. ꎬ2019  文章编号:1000 2375(2019)01 0039 05 四种水稻的光合效率研究 刘鹏ꎬ敖竹兰ꎬ彭琪林ꎬ吴文华 (湖北大学生命科学学院ꎬ湖北 武汉430062) 摘要:为了研究不同水稻在抽穗期、灌浆期、乳熟期、蜡熟期光合效能的差异ꎬ利用GFS ̄3000便携式光合 ̄荧光测定 系统测量处于不同生长时期的四种水稻材料在不同光强梯度以及不同二氧化碳浓度梯度下的光合指标ꎬ并分别利用直 角双曲线修正模型和Michaelis ̄Menten模型拟合水稻的光响应曲线和二氧化碳响应曲线ꎬ依据曲线拟合的相关数据对不 同品种水稻在各时期的光合效能进行比较分析ꎬ结果表明:不同水稻在生长后期尤其蜡熟期光合效能下降的幅度具有明 显差异.早衰型品种金23B 、Y58s的光合能力随时期变化下降明显快于持绿性水稻品种R287 和HD9802s. 关键词:水稻ꎻ直角双曲线修正模型ꎻMichaelis ̄Menten模型ꎻ补偿点ꎻ饱和点ꎻ最大净光合速率 中图分类号:Q945.11    文献标志码:A    DOI:10.3969/ j.issn.1000 ̄2375.2019.01.008 Study on photosynthetic efficiency of four kinds of rice LIU PengꎬAOZhulanꎬPENG QilinꎬWU Wenhua (College of Life SciencesꎬHubei UniversityꎬWuhan430062ꎬChina) Abstract:In order to study the differences in photosynthetic efficiency of different kinds of rice at the heading stageꎬ grain filling stageꎬ milk ripening stageꎬ and waxy yellow stageꎬ the GFS ̄3000 portable photosynthetic fluorescence measurement systemwasusedto measurethelight intensity of four ricevarietiesat different growth stages. Gradient and photosynthetic index under different carbon dioxide concentration gradientsꎬand using the orthogonal hyperbola correction model and the Michaelis ̄Menten model to fit the rice light response curve and carbon dioxide response curveꎬand according to the curve fitting data for different varieties of rice in each stageꎬthephotosynthetic efficiency duringtheperiodwascompared and analyzed. The results showed that the photosynthetic efficiency of different kinds of rice in the late growth stageꎬespecially the wax ̄yellow periodꎬhad a significant difference. The photosynthetic capacity of the premature cultivarsJin 23B


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