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videoconfere nce , Secretary of the provincial Committee of Xia Baolong stresse d: thi s year is the five water treatment 357 timetable s for three years to resolve outstanding issues, obvi ously worke d, victory of the yea r. The Countys de partments at al l levels m ust firmly establi sh t he guanghui is g old a nd silver gree n devel opme nt concept, convinced t hat Castl e is not relaxe d, always mai ntaini ng strategic a bility a nd strong determinati on t o improve the e nvironment, consistently playing well five water treatment of winni ng the war, ev er-hig her level s of compre hensive w ell-off society wa s built. (A) lay the sewage uphill battle. T his year w e will river water qua lity improve d at the county leve l, up to five thi s ba sic objective grasp of poll ution control t hat focus, with the focus on t hree thi ngs: a good job, clear rivers rea ching the County created. Organi zation look back special inspe ction, the County gar bage River, bla ck and odor ous River is Dragnet investigation, timely rectification of problems found i n pla ce firmly to prevent river poll ution rebound. In accor dance with t he one -st op strategy, improvi ng the inferi or five water quality monitori ng stations work thi s year to e nsure t he Eliminati on of 1 provincial contr ol, five water qual ity secti on 3 municipalities controlled deteriorati on, e nsure the creati on t his year of clear rivers sta ndar ds. Se cond, pay spe cial attenti on to poll ution-cutting construction of nanotubes. Interce pting nanot ube s are the basis of poll ution of water source engineering , engi neerin g, matter of success or failure of water manageme nt. Urba n sewage treatment, t o improve effluent from sewag e treatment rate, running a ccuracy, com pliance requirement, spee d up the tow ns support network constructi on, i s focusing on nanotubes home last meters questi on. Domesti c sewage treatment i n rural areas, this year i s the final y ear of the three -year ac


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