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美国签证DS160表格中文翻译 个人、地址、电话、护照信息 姓名(Name Provide) 中文姓名(Full Name in Native Language) 曾用名(Other Names Used) 有没有姓名电报码(Telecode Name Used) 姓名电报码(Telecode Name) 性别(Sex) 婚姻状况(Marital Status) 出生日月年(Date of Birth) 出生地(Place of Birth) 10、国籍(Nationality) 11、其他国籍(Other Nationalities) 12、身份证号(National Identification Number) 13、美国社会安全号(U.S Social Security Number) 14、美国纳税人身份证号(U.S Taxpayer ID Number) 15、家庭地址,街道(Home address)城市(City)省份(State/Province)邮编(Postal Zone/ZIP Code)国家(Country) 16、邮寄地址与上面相同吗(Same Mailing Address) 17、首选电话号码(Primary Phone Number) 18、备用电话号码(Secondary Phone Number) 19、工作电话号码(Work Phone Number) 20、电子邮箱(Email Address) 21、护照类型(Passport/Travel Document Type) 22、护照号码(Passport/Travel Document Number) 23、护照本号码(Passport Book Number) 24、护照签发国家(Country/Authority that Issued Passport/Travel Document) 签发城市(City Where Issued) 签发省份(State/Province Where Issued) 签发国家(Country Where Issued) 签发日期(Issuance Date) 失效日期(Expiration Date) 25、您的护照是否曾经丢失或被盗?(Have You ever lost a passport or had one stolen) 第二项,旅游信息(Travel Information) 旅行美国目的(The List of Purposes of Trip to the U.S) 目的(Purpose of trip to the U.S) 种类(Specify) 制订详细的旅行计划吗(Have you made specific travel plans) 预计来美日期(Intended Date of Arrival) 在美逗留多久(Intended Length of stay in U.S) 在美地址,街道,城市,州,邮编(Address where you will stay in the U.S) 谁为旅行付费(Person Paying for your trip) 个人/实体支付你的旅行(Person/Entity Paying for your Trip) 电话号码(Telephone Number) 电子邮箱(Email Address) 与您的关系(Relationship to you) 你的家庭地址或邮寄地址相同的地址吗(Is the address of the party paying for your trip the same as your home or mailing Address?) 有其他人与您同行吗(Are there other persons traveling with you) 10作为一个组织或机构的成员旅行吗(Are you traveling as part of group or organization) 11旅行同行人姓名(Persons traveling with you name) 与您的关系(Relationship to you) 12您曾否来过美国(Have ever been in the U.S) 13您曾否被拒签过(Have you ever been issued a U.S. Visa) 14、你是否曾经被拒绝签证,被拒绝进入美国,或撤回在入境口岸入学申请的(Have you ever been refused a U.S. Visa, been refused admission to the United States, or withdrawn your application for ad


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