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2018 Jan 【長者身心健康測量手冊】由樓瑋群博士和梅錦榮博士合作編輯,香港大學秀圃老年研究中心出版及負責發行。這是第一本介紹關於華人長者測量工具的書。書中介紹的測量工具涉獵的內容相當廣泛,包括認知能力、生理和心理健康及功能、社交功能和應對能力、價值觀和態度、生活質素、照顧者和服務提供者的評估工具、為設計照顧計劃和檢討干預效果而準備的評估工具等。除了適合在一般長者中適用的測量工具外,書中還介紹了一些可在臨床使用的測量工具。「長者身心健康測量手冊」還有一個特色,既有翻譯國外的測量工具本再在華人長者中驗證效度和信度的工具,也有根據華人長者生活情境發展的本地測量工具。 「長者身心健康測量手冊」首先簡要介紹了有關長者測量的基本理論,還討論了如何選擇 評估工具、如何主持評估和解釋結果等在長者測量中需要留意的問題,希望能幫助讀者更有效地閱讀後面的章節。針對每一個測量工具,除了介紹測量的內容外,還包括該測量工具的緣起、記分方法、效度、信度、還有參考常模。務求讀者對該測量工具有一個全面清晰的掌握。某些測量的完整版本也已收錄在書內,有些則可聯繫作者商討使用事宜。 「長者身心健康測量手冊」是一本在長者測量方面的參考書,讀者人群頗為廣泛,有在大學或者研究機構從事老年學教學或者研究的教師或者學者;修讀社會工作、護理學、物理治療、職業治療、以及其他老年學相關課程的學生;為長者提供服務的專業人員;從事政策研究或者參與政策制訂的同仁和對此課題有興趣的人士。 “Handbook of Measures for the Chinese Elderly” was edited by Dr. Lou Vivian W. Q. and Dr. Boey K. W. and published by Sau Po Center on Aging, The University of Hong Kong. This is the first book that collects research achievements on measurement validation and development for Chinese aged population. It covers a wide range of topics such as cognitive ability, health and functioning, psychological well-being, social functioning and coping, value and attitude, quality of life, assessment for caregivers and service providers, and assessment for care plan and evaluation. It includes scales that can be used for general population as well as clinical settings. What makes it more outstanding is that while some of the measures were translated and validated based on measures developed for non-Chinese population, some were developed specifically for Chinese elders. At the beginning of this book, a brief introduction on assessing older people was presented, which covered the rationale for assessment, how to choose assessment tools, how to conduct assessment and interpret results so that readers who might have limited knowledge on assessment could grasp foundations for further reading. Then the book presented individual measure, which included an introduction of the scale, content of the assessment, validity and reliability of the scale, and references. Full vers


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