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25, 3 Vo.l 25 No. 3 2009 9 W ORLD EARTHQUAKE ENGINEER ING Sep. 2009 : 1007- 6069( 2009) 03- 0162- 05 5. 12 曾超, 王可君, 李曙平, 王建国 (, 30056) : , , , , : 5. 12; ; : TU202 : A Prim ary analysis of the seism ic dam age to roadbeds duringW enchuan earthquake ZENG Chao, WANG Kejun, LI Shup ing, WANG Jianguo ( China Comm unications Construction Com pany SecondH ighway Consultants Co. L td; W uhan 30056, China) Abstract: Based on the survey of the seism ic damage to the roadbeds of expressway and national and interprovincial trunk h ighw ay in the severe destruction regions ofW enchuan earthquake, the basic inform ation of seism ic damage to the roadbeds is described in M ianyang area, Sichuan Province, and the characteristics of seism ic damage to the roadbeds are comprehensively summarized. Themeasures and suggestions for the repair of dam aged roadbeds on the basis of analysis of the relationship betw een seism ic dam age and stratum lithology and geological structures provide references of the p lanning, reconnaissance and design for reconstruction of the damaged roads. K ey words: W enchuan earthquake; seism ic damage to roadbed; reconstruction 2008 5 12 2 18() 8. 0, 11, 18, , , , , G213G317G318 S105S205S302S303S210 , S105, , , , 1 S105(K99+ 256) , : 2008- 08- 0 ; : 2008- 10- 2 : ( 1971- ), , , , . E-m ai:l zengchao999@ 126. com 3 , : 5. 12 163 , , 172. 8km K99+ 256() K 136+ 000( ), ; K 136+ 000 , , U, S105-, NNE , , , 5. 12, S105, , , ( 1) : , 2: 1) , 2) 1 K 177 2 K 109+ 150 F ig. 1 Com pressive deform ation of roadbed at K


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