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When was it invented ? ;What is/are … used for? It’s/They’re … used for…;A: When was the _______ invented? B: I think it was invented in ______.;A: What is the _______ used for? B: It is used for ___________.;A: What is the _______ used for? B: It is used for ___________.;A: What is the _______ used for? B: It is used for ___________.;What are they used for?;Who invented the car?;1971;alarm clock; I think computer is the most helpful invention. Because it helps me search the information that I need. ;inventions;inventions;inventions;Who were they invented by? What are they used for?;Listening;2a;;;A: What are those ?;B: Right. It ____ ________ by Chelsea ;shoes with adjustable heels;battery-operated slippers;heated ice cream scoop;用“invented” 或 “used for”填空. 1. What are electric slippers _______? 2. Who were shoes with adjustable heels ________ by? 3. When was tea ________? 4. What are microwave ovens _______? 5. When were potato chips ________?;A: Look! This looks so interesting! B: Ah, it’s a great invention of China. A: Really? When ______ it _________? B: I think it ______ _________ in Han Dynasty. (汉朝) A: What ______ it ______ for? B: Guess! A: ______ it ______ for holding water? B: No. It _____ ______ for testing earthquakes. A: Wow, it’s really amazing! ;abacus in the six century Chinese calculating;被动语态;e.g Many people speak English. ;变被动语态时需要注意的事项;各种时态的被动语态的构成:;所有时态的被动语态否定就是在 最前面的助动词后加 not 疑问就是把最前面的助动词提前。;把下列的句子变为被动语态的句子: 1、They speak English in Canada . 2、People used wood for making tables. 3、They are making computers in the USA. ;4、They have grown rice in South China. 5. We must plant more trees next year. 6.I am going to clean our classroom tomorrow.;变被动语态的特殊情况;二、无to不定式 ;三、注意动词短语的;四、无被动语态的动词。;常用的被动语态短语


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