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Unit 4 A good read Integrated skills Words phrases review n. 一系列;系列节目 n. 出版社 vt. vi. 拒绝,回绝 vt. 出版 到目前为止 n. 成功 series publishing house refuse publish so far success Words phrase review vt. vi. 翻译 n. [复]销售量 n. 一本(份,册);副本 adj. 加拿大(人)的 每次,依次 adv. 在线,联网 translate sales copy Canadian at a time online To infer general meaning from context and keywords To finish exercises A1 and A2 by listening for key information To help Millie correct her mistakes To understand Daniel and Mrs Li’s conversation Objectives A1 The Class 1, Grade 8 students are talking about what they have read recently. Listen to them and match each student with the type and name of the book they have read. A Recommending a book Student Kitty Millie Daniel Simon Sandy Type of book novel history science travel Name of the book Three Men in a Boat Notes from a Small Island Moment in Peking Flags of Our Fathers A Brief History of Time A2 Suzy plans to read the Harry Potter series. She is telling her classmates about the books. Listen to what she says and complete her notes. J. K. Rowling A British writer Date of birth ___________ As a child often wrote _______ and read them to her sister In 1990 got the idea for the first Harry Potter story on a ______ trip to London In ______ finished the first Harry Potter book In 2007 finished the ____________ book of the series 31 July 1965 stories train 1995 seventh/last Harry Potter series A first all the British publishing houses refused to publish it A year later a small publishing house in _______ accepted it So far a great success has been translated into about _____ languages Sales over ______ million copies in over ______ countries and areas London 70 450 200 A3 Millie made some notes of the Harr



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