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脑功能的代沟 分子生物学与微电子技术结合: 各类芯片的应用 细胞生物学、分子生物学、材料科学结合:组织工程的发展、人工晶体(白内障)、人工关节(骨关节病)、体内植入物(心脏起搏器、血管支架)、齿科材料等的发展 高新技术在老年学科领域的应用 5.老年医学问题 提高老年人生命质量及其评估 重点疾病 老年人用药问题 老年人合理膳食和运动量问题 重大常见病 高血压:每年新增300多万人 冠心病:每年新发110多万人 脑血管病:每年新发150多万人 肿瘤:每年新发160多万人 Aging is not a disease,but to be old is t be sick. The light may be on,but the voltage is low. 各种肉类所含脂肪量 猪肉 40% 鸭肉 30% 羊肉 16% 鸡肉 14% 牛肉 13% 鱼肉 7% 兔肉 2% 虾肉 2% 健康饮食 油脂类25克(0.5两) 奶类及奶制品100克(2两) 豆类及豆制品50克(1两) 畜禽肉类50-100克(1-2两) 鱼虾类50克(1两) 蛋类25克(0.5-1两) 蔬菜类400-500克(8两-1斤) 水果类100-200克(2-4两) 谷类300-500克(6两-1斤) 6.中医药在老年潮中的应用 老年病施治原则 Principle of Treatment in Senile Diseases 药量要偏小 The dosage should be less 七十以后,方药减半量half dosage for over 70 years old 发表药不宜超过三钱,泻下药不宜过一、二钱medicine for relieving exterior syndrome should be less than 10g, purgative medicine less than 6g 老人气、阳虚多,芪附量稍大无妨? The dosage for Radix Astragali (Huang Qi) and Radix Aconiti Lateralis Preparata (Fu Zi) 苦寒药芩连胆草类一般不宜过钱medicine with cold nature, like Radix Scutellariae (Huang Qin), Rhizoma Coptidis (Huang Lian), Radix Gentianae (Long Dan Cao), are not more than 3g. 大枣甘草虽补脾胃,但甘生中满,过重不当 Fructus Ziziphi Jujubae (Da Zao) and Radix Glycyrrhizae (Gan Cao) which might cause fullness of abdomen, could be used over-dosage though they tonify the spleen and stomach. 药宜平和The medicine should be gentle 择用温凉而慎用攻伐,以免虚虚实实? choosing medicine with warm and cool nature, carefully using the medicine with the action of purgation to avoid the case become more deficient and excessive. 忌剧毒之品如草乌、马钱子、斑蟊、砒霜、巴豆、大戟、芫花、甘遂等 Avoid to use the medicine with toxin, like Radix Aconitii (Cao Wu), Semen Strychni (Ma Qian Zi), Mylabris (Ban Mao), Arsenicum Sublimatum (Pi Shuang), Semen Crotonis (Ba Dou), Radix Euphorbiae (Da Ji), Flos Genkwa (Yuan Hua), Radix Euphorbiae Kansui (Gan Sui), etc. 注意汗而不伤、下而不损、温而不燥、寒而不凝、消而不伐,补而不滞 using the medicine to reach the aim that diaphoresis would not impair energy, purgation not impair the body, warming not dry, cold not coagulate, dispersing not harm, tonifying not st


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