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8 Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1) If answering someone else’s line, be sure to include their name in your greeting, so that the other party does not think they have reached a wrong number. 2) You want to be sure to be polite to the “gatekeepers” i.e. secretaries, receptionists etc. who answer the phone for your business contact, as they are the ones who have the power to put you through (or not) , say, at 4:55 P.M. on Friday, when their boss is getting ready to leave the office. 如果你接听的是别人的电话,一定要在问候时包含应接电话人的名字,以免对方误以为打错了电话。 你要确实对负责为你的业务联系接听电话的“把门人”,即秘书、接待员等有礼貌,因为,比如说,在周五下午4:55分的时候,他们的老板正打算离开办公室,而正是他们有权为你接通(或不接通)电话。 8 Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 3) People get busy and can seem surprised until you remind them of where they should remember you from. 4) End the call on a positive note by thanking the other person for their time and express an interest in speaking with them again (if that is true). 5) In this global village today, you never know whom you will be doing business with in the future, so burning any bridges, or telephone lines, would be unwise. 人们都很忙,只有你提醒他们能记起你的地方,他们才不会感到意外。 要用正面的口气结束电话,感谢对方花时间接电话, 并表示有兴趣再次同他们通话 ( 如果事实如此的话)。 在当今这个地球村里,你永远无法知道你将来会与谁做生意,所以焚毁联系桥梁,即切断电话线,是不明智的。 Back 9 Rewrite the passage in about 200 words based on the framework given below. Back Much of our business communications is done on the phone, so proper telephone etiquette is more important than ever in today’s business environment. The first thing to remember is greeting. When answering the phone for business, you should tell your name and your company’s name. When answering somebody else’s line, also be sure to include their name in your greetings, otherwise the other party would think they have reached a wrong number. Second, when making the call, you should be polite from the start to the “gatekeepers” i.e. secretaries or receptionists, because they are the


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