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* * * * n. a systematic course of aggressive activities for some specific purpose (社会、政治)运动,活动 e.g. The candidate kicked off his campaign with a speech on television. 该候选人由电视演讲开始了他的竞选活动。 Despite fierce opposition, the government is pressing on with its campaign to eliminate corruption. 尽管遭到了强烈的反对,政府还是在推动根除腐败的 运动。 WE-campaign Background information Words and expressions Text Text study (A) campaign n. somebody speaking for the people 代表 e.g. The delegate moved for a reconsideration of the suggestion. 这位代表提议重新考虑这一建议。 They drafted her to serve as their delegate. 他们选她当代表。 WE-delegate1 Background information Words and expressions Text Text study (A) delegate v. 授(权);把(职责、责任等)委托(给) e.g. The Chinese people delegate their power to the People’s Congress. 中国人民授权于人民代表大会。 WE-delegate2 Background information Words and expressions Text Text study (A) delegate n. 代表(团);委派;授权 e.g. The statement of our delegation was singularly appropriate to the occasion. 我们代表团的声明非常适合时宜。 A key factor in running a business is the delegation of responsibility. 公司经营中的一个重点就是职责的分派。 WE-delegate3 Background information Words and expressions Text Text study (A) delegation remove 废除,消灭,去掉 e.g. Do away with the bad habits that might damage your health. 改掉那些可能有害健康的坏习惯。 This will help do away with heavy manual labor and raise productivity. 这可以帮助消除繁重的体力劳动,提高劳动生产率。 WE-do away with Background information Words and expressions Text Text study (A) do away with n. brothers and sisters 兄弟姐妹 e.g. His siblings are mostly in their early twenties. 他的兄弟姐妹大多二十出头。 There’s a friendly sibling rivalry between my sister and me. 我和姐姐之间有一种良性的手足之间的竞争。 WE-sibling Background information Words and expressions Text Text study (A) sibling have a baby 生(孩子),生育 e.g. Mother koalas give birth to babies only every other year. 母考拉每两年才产一次崽。 She gave birth to a fine healthy baby. 她生了一个健康可爱的婴儿。 WE-give birth to Background information Word


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