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eat (吃)?+ drink (喝) = have something to drink ?喝的东西 something to eat?? ?吃的东西 have dinner?????? ?吃饭;吃正餐 have breakfast???? ?吃早饭 have lunch??????? ?吃午饭 have supper?????? ?吃晚饭 二、词组 1.Help yourself\yourselves to…请随便吃…… 2.would like …想要…… 3.What about …表示征求意见。 4.Why not+动词原形…? “为什么不?” 5.Good idea !好主意! 6.take sb’s order记下某人点的饭菜 7.Wait a moment, please.请稍等。 三、句型  1.?help oneself (to sth) ?请自便 (吃些某物) 2.?would like = want?想要 Would you like some eggs?  = Do you want some eggs? What would you like to drink?  = What do you like to drink? 3.?Give me some meat.  = Give some meat to me. 四、语法: 可数名词和不可数名词的量 不可数名词:可用数量词来表示具体的量 a cup of tea \coffee two cups of tea \coffee a glass of milk\water\juice three glasses of milk\water \juice a bowl of …?一碗… ??two bowls of …??两碗…… a box of …?一盒\箱…?two boxes of …??两盒\箱… a bag of …?一袋……?? ??two bags of …??两袋… a bottle of … 一瓶…??two bottles of …??两瓶… a kind of …???两种…? ??? ?two kinds of…??两种… 模糊的量 some既可以修饰可数也可以修饰不可数名词 a little + 不可数? 表示若干\一点 many + 可数???? 许多 much + 不可数?? 许多 some apples???? 一些苹果 some meat\water? 一些肉\水 a few friends???? 几个朋友 a little water???? 一点点水 many friends??? 许多朋友 much water???? 许多水? * * 一、词汇: Fruit(可数)apple orange banana Food(可数)cake hamburger egg dumpling noodles (不可数)rice bread meat chicken fish Drink(不可数)tea milk water juice 4.?Why not have some milk? 表示提建议 5.?Lets have some milk.??? 表示提建议??? 6.?May I take your order? = May I help you?(限于用餐) 7.?Wait a moment, please.请稍等片刻. 8.?Would you like to have dinner with me? (表邀请) Ok. Id love to 9.?Im very glad to be here.  我非常乐意呆在这儿 10.?Would you like some more rice?  你要来些米饭吗? 11.?They are all friendly \kind to me.  他们都对我很友好。 可数名词: 可直接用基数词表具体的量 表“一”: a cake \book \hamburger\bike????????? an apple \orange \egg two cakes? three books? four apples five eggs 1. Help ______( you) to some chicken , kids. 2. What do you think of the English corner? It is _____ (help) to us. 3. They are my ______ (friend). They


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