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PAGE PAGE 15 2018年9月版 September 2018 version 2018年9月版 September 2018 version 二○一九年度國家科學技術進步獎申請書 Application Form for the 2019 State Scientific and Technological Progress Award 項目基本情況General Description of the Project 項目名稱Project Title 主要完成人Principal Person(s) who Completed the Project (主要完成人的姓名應按貢獻大小順序列出Names of principal persons should be listed in order of their contributions to the project) 主要完成單位Principal Unit(s) at which the Project was Completed (主要完成單位應按貢獻大小順序列出Principal units should be listed in order of their contributions to the project) 4. 所屬國民經濟行業The National Economy Industry Sector that the Project Belongs to (請參看本申請書填寫說明的第I部分Please refer to Part I of the Notes on How to Complete the Application Form for Classification) □A □B □C □D □E □F □G □H □I □J □K □L □M □N □O □P □Q □R □S □T 5. 任務來源Source of Task □ A. 國家計劃State Programs □ B. 部委計劃 Programs of Ministries or Commissions □ C. 省、市、自治區計劃 Programs of Provinces, Municipalities, or Autonomous Regions □ D. 基金資助 Foundation(□D1. 國家自然科學基金 National Natural Science Foundation □D2. 其他基金 Others) □ E. 企業 Enterprises □ F. 國際合作 International Cooperation □ G. 自選 Self-Chosen □ H. 其他 Others 6. 項目起止時間Project Commencement and Completion Dates 起始於Started from (日/月/年dd/mm/yy) 完成於Completed by (日/月/年dd/mm/yy) 已授權的發明專利數目No. of Patent(s) Granted 已授權的其他知識產權數目No. of Other Intellectual Property Rights Granted 項目簡介Brief Introduction of the Project 主要技術內容、授權專利情況、技術經濟指標、推廣應用及效益情況 Major technological content, grant of patents and licensing condition, techno-economic indicator, as well as promotion of application and effectiveness (中文不超過1200字; not exceed 600 words in English) 主要科技創新Major Technological Innovations 主要科技創新 Major Technological Innovations (中文不超過5頁; not exceed 3 pages in English) 科技局限性 Technological Limitations (中文不超過1頁; not exceed 0.5 page in English) IV. 第三方評價 Third Party Assessment of the Project (中文不超過2頁; not exceed 1 page in English) 推廣應用情況、經濟效益和社會效益 Promotion and Application, Economic Returns


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