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PAGE PAGE PAGE III PAGE PAGE I 河南理工大学高等职业学院 毕 业 论 文 (论文名称) (作者姓名) 指导教师 专业班级 答辩日期 评阅教师 年 月 日 PAGE PAGE III PAGE PAGE I 摘要 在当今这个遍是视觉传达的社会中,影视是非常奏效而且覆盖面较广的信息传播方法之一。影视在制作上具有即时传达远距离信息的媒体特性,即传播上的高精度化,影视使观众自由的发挥对某种商品形象的想象,也能具体而准确地传达它的意图。传播的信息容易成为人的共识并得到强化、环境暗示、接受频率高。并且,这种形式各个年龄段的人都容易接受,所以可以说影视是覆盖面最大的大众传播媒体。 在科技飞速发展和先进的计算机技术得到日益增多的应用的新形势下,在影视制作领域也大量的使用计算机技术。视频编辑After Effects软件,After Effects是Adobe公司开发的一个影视作品编辑软件,该软件的功能非常强大,用于高端视频特效系统的专业特效合成软件,在影视特效和后期合成领域具有霸主地位的软件,它易学易用,效果精美,扩展性极强而受到众多设计师的青睐。该软件一方面成为了影视制作专业人士的首选平台,另一方面,凭借该软件操作简单的特点,已经逐渐受到广大影视爱好者的欢迎,它的使用范围正在变得更加广泛。 在设计中把学到的知识运用到实践中去,多做多练,让它在现实生活中得到充分的应用,从而解决一些问题,这才是学习的根本目的。而且知识又不是单一的,它是互相联系的,科学与科学之间都有着内在的联系。影视短片制作看似简单,其实是非常复杂的。 关键词:影视后期制作 特效处理 影视广告 字幕 PAGE PAGE III Abstract Visual communication is that in todays society, the film and television is very useful and has a wide coverage of information dissemination one way. Film and television has instant convey information over a long distance in the production of media properties, namely the spread of high precision, film and television audience free play imagination, of the image of a commodity can also be specific and accurately convey the intention. The spread of information easy to become the consensus of people, and strengthened, environmental cues, accept high frequency. And, the form people of all ages are easy to accept, so the film and television is one of the largest mass media coverage. In the rapid development of science and technology and the advanced computer technology under the new situation, an increasing number of applications in the field of film and television production is also a large number of the use of computer technology. Video editing software After Effects, After Effects is Adobe developed an editing software, film and television works, the function of the software is very powerful, professional Effects synthesis software system used for high-end video Effects, in th


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