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PAGE 摘要 开关电源以其效率高、功率密度高而在电源领域中占据着重要的地位。开关电源多数是通过整流器与电网相接的,经典的整流器是由二极管或晶闸管组成的一个非线形电路,在电网中会产生大量的电流谐波和无功功率而污染电网,成为电力公害。 随着电力电子产品的广泛使用,尤其是开关电源的应用,对电网造成的谐波污染也越来越严重,这使得功率因数校正(PFC)技术成为电力电子研究的一个热点。功率因数校正的目的,就是采用一定的控制方法,使电源的输入电流跟踪输入电压,功率因数接近为1。有源功率因数校正优于无源功率因数校正,一般多采用之。开关电源有源功率因数校正的主电路通常采用DC/AC开关变换器,其中升压型变换器由于具有极大的优点,使用比较广泛。而本设计就是采用Boost电路和专门用作功率因数校正的芯片共同完成开关电源功率因数的校正。 关键词:开关电源 整流器 谐波电流 功率因数校正 有源功率因数校正 Abstract Switching power supply plays an important role in the field of power supply with its high efficiency, high power density. Most of the switching power supply connect with the power grid through rectifier, the classic rectifier diode or thyristor is formed of a non-linear circuits, which will have a large number of current harmonics and reactive power that pollute power grid , this has become a public hazard electricity. With the widespread use of electric and electronic products, especially the use of switching power supply applications, the grid harmonic pollution is more and more serious, which makes the power factor correction (PFC) technology as a hot spot of the power electronics research. The purpose of power factor correction, is to use some control methods to supply the input current track the input voltage,which is to make power factor closes to 1. Active power factor correction (APFC) is better than PPFC, so it is more generally used. The main circuit of active power factor correction is usually the DC/AC switching converters, which has great advantages and use more widely . The circuit of this design is the use of Boost and specialized chips , together to complete switching power supply power factor correction. Key word:switching power supply rectifier harmonic current power factor correction active power factor correction 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 第1章 绪 论 1 1.1 课题研究的背景 1 1.2 课题研究的意义 2 1.3 PFC的发展 2 1.4 开关电源的介绍 3 第二章 有源功率因数校正技术的原理及控制方法 5 2.1 功率因数校正相关概述 5 2.1.1功率因数的基本概念 5 2.1.2 PFC技术的分类 6 2.2 有源功率因数校正的基本原理及其控


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