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毕业设计(论文) 常州机电职业技术学院 毕业设计(论文) 作 者: 学 号: 系 部: 汽车工程系 专 业: 汽车运用电子技术 题 目: 丰田U241型自动变速器的原理与检修 指导者: 评阅者: 年 月 毕业设计(论文)中文摘要 本论文课题是以丰田U241型自动变速器的原理与检修为背景,研究自动变速器的工作原理和故障分析及故障维修。该论文主要研究自动变速器的液力变矩器和行星齿轮变速器及控制系统的结构和工作原理,对于自动变速器的故障分析与检修进行大量的研究与剖析。并对自动变速器的各个组成部分及相对重要的零部件以图示的方式表达描述,而行星齿轮变速器的动力传递过程则用大量图表和文字论述,通过周密的逻辑和严谨的态度,相信通过该论文的研究能够更好的帮助维修企业高质量高效率的对丰田U241型自动变速器及其他各类自动变速器的维修。 该论文对自动变速器的研究成果具有简明易懂,实用性强,安全稳定等特点,对于汽车自动变速器的维修具有重要帮助。 关键词:液力变矩器 行星齿轮变速器 控制系统 变速器检修 东北林业大学硕士学位论文 PAGE II - - 毕业设计(论文)外文摘要 Title: Toyota U241 type automatic transmission principle and maintenance Abstract: This dissertation is based on the Toyota U241 Automatic Transmission Principles and Maintenance for the background, the working principle of automatic transmission and failure analysis and fault repairs. The thesis focused on the automatic transmission torque converter and planetary gear transmission and control system structure and working principle of the automatic transmission of the fault analysis and repair a lot of research and analysis. And automatic transmission of the various components and the relative importance of components in order to describe the icon of expression, while the planetary gear transmission of the power transfer process are discussed with plenty of graphics and text, by careful logical and rigorous manner, I believe that through the Research paper help service companies better quality and efficient automatic transmission Toyota U241 and other types of automatic transmission repair. The thesis research on the automatic transmission has a simple to understand, practical, safe and stable characteristics such as automatic transmission for automotive maintenance is important to help. Keywords:Hydraulic torque converter Planetary gear tr


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