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PAGE 20 PAGE 21 题 目: 服装网络销售的现状及其对策研究 ——淘宝网为例 院系名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: 摘 要 2008年,经济危机席卷全球,纺织服装企业不可避免的受到影响。与去年同期相比,纺织服装企业生产成本增长了30~35%,这些不利因素不会因为服装业的兴衰而自动消失,企业需要以战略的眼光重新布局服装销售突围之路。传统服装销售受到制约,“路在何方?”已成为服装企业共同的心声。 而网络销售是随网络技术出现的一种新型购物模式,发展前景十分广阔。对于服装行业来讲,它打破了服装流行时间与销售地域的限制,改变了营销渠道的结构,使促销高效,廉价,并使服装市场彻底细分。本文通过对服装网络销售的现状进行分析研究,提出目前制约我国服装网络销售发展的在线试衣、售后服务、物流配送、网上支付、安全及诚信等问题,并总结出网上试衣间、特定支付系统、完善物流、加强网络安全技术等解决措施。并以淘宝网为实例进行分析,指出网络服装销售的独特之处,为目前经济危机下的众多服装销售公司指出一条新的出路,从而促使网络服装销售这种新兴的消费方式发展壮大。 关键字:网络营销 服装企业 服装销售 淘宝网 Title: Clothing sales network status and its countermeasures Abstract In 2008, the textile and garment enterprises were inevitably affected by the global economic crisis.the cost of textile and garment production increased by 30 ~ 35% compare with the same period last year. these negative factors of the rise and fall of the garment industry will not automatically disappear. corporate strategic vision needs to be re-layout the way out apparel sales. traditional clothing saling is constrainted. “where is the way out”Has become a common aspiration of clothing enterprises. Network marketing is a new shopping mode coming with the emergence of network technology. the development of it is a bright future.for The apparel industry , it is time to break the Fashion geographical restrictions and sales, change the structure of marketing channels to enable high-performance sales, cheap, and a thorough Subdivision of the apparel market. Through the sales analysis and research of clothing network saling status, This article put forward some questions about the currently restriction of the development of Chinas online apparel sales,such as network test clothing, after-sales service, logistics and distribution, online payment, security and integrity and so on.. and summed up some solution about the fitting room


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