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TQM在浙江新光饰品公司中应用的探讨 内 容 摘 要 饰品行业是我国一个新兴的行业。因其涉及多种材料及工艺,各项相关标准的制定是一项相当繁杂细致的工作,所以目前我国还没有形成一套完整的质量标准体系。目前中国白银市场上出现了一窝蜂现象和不正当竞争、白银市场在一定程度上不够成熟,但其巨大的潜力不可否认的。而作为目前国内最大的金属镀层流行饰品生产基地之一的新光饰品,其发展状况令人瞩目。针对此种情况,本文以新光为背景,重点讨论了TQM在饰品企业应用的必要性。站在各饰品生产企业的角度,从TQM的基本理论和方法出发,指出饰品企业的发展在于把握住产品质量,只有过硬的产品质量、新颖的款式设计才是取胜的关键。 本文首先提出了论题的背景和写作出发点,即新兴的饰品生产企业;然后综述了TQM的发展过程和趋势;结合新光饰品的背景和生产管理模式,归纳了新光目前的质量管理状况,并分析了其存在的问题,即:产品质量标准体系的尚未有明确的认定和完善;整合现有资源,须实施先进的质量管理体系以发展产业化建设;提高企业知名度、增加产品附加值、导入品牌理念还需质量上的严格保障;白银市场饰品生产企业导入TQM将势在必行。 结合新光的实际状况,提出现行新光质量管理的改进方向,提出各部门以及不同层级员工之间的沟通与合作是新光成功推行TQM前首先要解决的问题。最后,强调了饰品企业引进TQM先进的管理理念和方法,是增强企业竞争优势的必须。并进一步指出,在TQM实施中,企业管理者的理解和支持是关键因素。 关键词:TQM、 ISO9000、饰品企业、改进 STUDY ON THE APPLICATION OF TQM IN NeogloryJewelry Co. Ltd. ABSTRACT Jewelry industry is an emerging industry in China. The relevant standard-setting is a very complicated and detailed job because they involve a variety of materials and processes. Therefore, at present China has not yet formed a complete set of quality standards. Although there is a stampede and unfair competition on the Silver market currently and the silver market to some extent is not mature enough, its enormous potential is undeniable. The NeogloryJewelry Co.Ltd., which is one of the nations largest fashion accessories metal coating production base at present, is developing very well .In such cases, the paper discussion focused on TQM in the jewelry enterprise application need to the background of the NeogloryJewelry Co.Ltd.. This paper also pointed out that the quality of their products is the development of jewelry enterprises from TQM to the basic theory and methods standing from the perspective of the Jewelry production enterprise. The key to victory is only a perfect product quality and innovative style designing. The paper proposes a topic and writing background starting point. That is the new jewelry manufacturers. Then the paper reviewed the development process and trends of the TQM. With the background and production management model of


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