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PAGE 第三方物流企业主导的 供应链模式的探讨 内 容 摘 要 第三方物流是供应链中的关键环节。在供应链条件下,为了增强竞争优势,越来越多的企业选择只做自己擅长领域的业务,而将其他相关业务外包出去,这促使第三方物流的力量逐日强大。随着第三方物流企业逐渐参与供应链的各种业务,其在供应链中的地位也日益重要。另一方面企业越来越重视从战略全局的角度来规划供应链,这预示着以第三方物流企业为核心的供应链模式的出现,也预示着企业将以战略的角度来匹配这种供应链管理模式。第三方物流作为一种全新的物流协作模式,使得供应链的小批量库存更加经济,提供更快捷、更廉价、更安全和更高服务水准的物流服务。它的本质就是降低供应链中无效的库存,提升整个供应链节点企业的客户服务能力。第三方物流在协调供应链企业的物流运作方面具有独到之处,在供应链管理中被视为一个综合物流服务的提供商。本文通过宝供集团的一些案例进一步阐述了第三方物流企业主导的供应链模式的应用。目前宝供以现代化物流基地为节点的网络已基本形成。宝供依托大型现代化物流基地,整合了物流硬件资源和供应链各个环节,在供应链管理方面进行了大胆的探索和尝试,成为了当今国内领先的第三方物流企业。 关键词:第三方物流、供应链、供应链模式 TPL led to the model of the supply chain Abstract Third- party logistics is the important part of supply chain. Under the condition of supply chain, in order to increase competitiveness, more and more enterprises concentrate their business on their dominant field and run some other relative business in the form of outsourcing, which accelerates the development of third - party logistics. As TPL enterprises; participation in the business of supply chain, it become playing a much more important role in the supply chain. On the other hand, the enterprise attach importance to program the supply chain in the view of overall strategy, which indicates the emergence of TPL- leading supply chain model, also indicates the enterprise will match such kind of model with their supply chain strategy. TPL as a brand-new mode of collaboration logistics makes small quantities stocks of the supply chain are more economical, providing more efficient, cheaper, more secure and higher standards of logistics services. The nature of the supply chain is to reduce invalid stock, upgrading the entire supply chain node enterprise’s customer service capacity. TPL have special gifts in the coordination of the supply chain enterprise’s logistics operations, so as an integrated logistics service provider in the supply chain management. By the number cases of Ridge Group. This paper further expounds on the supply chain applications of the third-party logistics enterpris


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