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PAGE l l 长 春 工 业 大 学 毕 业 论 文 电视纪录片《有轨电车》的设计与实践 The Design and Practice of. The Tram 学 院:信息传播工程 专 业:广播电视编导 班 级:081403 姓 名: 指导教师: 2012 年 6 月 1 日 摘 要 纪录片是以真实生活为创作素材,以真人真事为表现对象,并对其进行艺术的加工与展现的,以展现真实为本质,并用真实引发人们思考的 电影或电视艺术形式。纪录片的核心为真实。电影的诞生始于纪录片的创作。1895年 法国路易·卢米埃尔拍摄的《工厂的大门》、《火车进站》等实验性的电影,都属于纪录片的性质。1923年弗拉哈迪的《北方的纳努克》的公映,标志着纪录电影在艺术创作上进入了一个新的发展阶段。 我的这次毕业设计作品《有轨电车》,是一部典型的纪录片,题材主要选取长春市54路有轨电车。54路有轨电车拥有120多年的历史,它是长春第一部公交车,它见证着长春的荣辱兴衰,伴随着长春的成长,见证着长春的历史。而在这54路有轨电车上工作着的人,都是社会最平凡的人们。他们团结、热情,用自己所有的爱去为这份平凡的工作奋斗着。他们真心的热爱这份工作,真诚的关心着每一位乘客,他们的热情服务伴着每一辆54路有轨电车行驶在春城中,成为了长春市最亮丽的风景线。我用镜头纪录下了他们的热情、真诚,和在平凡的工作岗位上做出的不平凡的贡献。 本文就电视纪录片《有轨电车》的选题设计、剧本创作、前期拍摄到后期制作等实践的全部内容进行详细的阐述。 关键词:纪录片;真实;有轨电车;平凡 Abstract The documentary is based on real life creation, based on a true story as the object, and carries on the artistic processing and display to show the true, nature, and the true causes people to think of the movie or television art form. The documentary is the core of truth. The birth of film in the documentary film creation. In 1895 the French Louis Lumiere filmed the gate of the factory, train station and other experimental films, all belong to the documentary nature. In 1923Fra Hadis Nanuk of the north the release of the documentary film, marks in art creation has entered a new stage of development. The graduation design works of The Tram, is a typical documentary, the main theme selection of Changchun City Tram No.54. Tram 54 has 120 years of history, it is the Changchun first bus, it witnessed the rise and fall of Changchun, accompanied by the growth, witnessed the history of Changchun. In the 54Road Tram working person, is the social most ordinary people. They unite, warm, with all her love to the ordinary work struggle. They really love this job, sincerely care about each and every passenger, their enthusiasm with every a No. 54tram running in spring city, become the most beautiful scene


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