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摘要 - PAGE 23 - 摘要: 膨润土 (Bentonite)是以蒙脱石(Montmorillonite)为主要成分的一类层状硅酸盐粘土矿物。利用膨润土的离子交换性,膨润土可以与有机季胺盐阳离子进行层间离子交换,达到改性目的。改性后,其吸附性能等理化性能得到明显改善,并在环境治理领域得到广泛关注。论文针对低品位膨润土开发应用研究比较薄弱的现状,针对其性能指标重点研究了该膨润土的钠化改型和有机插层的最佳工艺及条件。 通过单因素实验,确定了膨润土钠化改型的较佳工艺条件:碳酸钠改型剂的用量为5%,钠化温度70℃,搅拌时间1.5h,矿浆浓度10%。钠化改型后膨润土的理化性能得到明显提高,膨胀容由原矿的8ml/g增大到77ml/g。 通过正交实验法,确定了制备有机膨润土的工艺条件是:季铵盐的用量为膨润土重量的30%,反应温度95℃,体系的pH值为9,反应时间为1h。X射线衍射图谱分析表明d001值由原来的1.54nm变为2.001nm。 关键词:膨润土;钠化改型;有机插层 Abstract Abstract: Bentonite is a clay mineral with expandable layer structures that primary constituent of montmorillonite.Modification of bentonite can be prepared by exchanging the cation interbedded with quatemary ammoniumcanons. The physical and chemical capability of the modified bentonite improved obviously,adsorb hydrophobic contaminants after the modification. And the modifiedbentonites are used as sothents to treat various wastewater and have a lot of applications inenvironmental protection. The best technic conditions of Na-modification are ascertained via single factor experiment:selecting Na2CO3 amount5%,sodium temperature 70℃, tirring time1.5h and pulp density 10%. The physical and chemical capability enhanced evidently, after the Na-modification.The expansive capacity arrive to 77ml/g from the primary 8ml/g. By orthogonal experimental design to determine the most organic bentonite preparation condition was: 30% of the CTMAB, reaction temperature 95 ℃, pH 9 system, contact the reaction time is 1h. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the d(001) of 1.54nm from the original values into 2.001nm. Key Word:Bentonite ;Na-modification;Organ-Intercalation 目录 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \u 14617 摘要: I 27906 Abstract: II 712 目录 III 2150 第一章 引言 1 20588 1.1膨润土概述 1 9384 1.1.1 膨润土的特点及用途 1 15933 1.1.2 膨润土的工艺特性 2 7443 1.1.3 有机膨润土的制备方法 3 29313 1.2 课题的目的和意义 4 32343 1.3 有机膨润土的国内外研究现状 5 20642 第二章 实验方法 7 27082 2.1 实验原料 7 21419 2.2 试剂与设备 8 20792 2.2.1 主要试剂 8 31893 2.2.2 主要设备 8 8481 2.3 膨润土的提纯 8 18313 2.4 膨润土的


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