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化学法处理印染废水的实验研究 内 容 提 要 本文总结了印染废水的特点及危害,国内外印染废水的处理现状和发展趋势,本课题研究的现实意义,并分析讨论了混凝法、Fenton氧化法处理印染废水的机理及影响因素。 本研究以活性黄染料配制的模拟废水为研究对象,采用两种化学方法进行处理。第一种混凝法,通过向废水中加入某种化学混凝剂,经过充分搅拌混合、使药剂与悬浮态胶体颗粒物相互作用而达到絮凝,考察了混凝法的作用机理,投药量和pH两个影响因素。第二种Fenton氧化法是以过氧化氢为氧化剂、以亚铁盐为催化剂的化学氧化法,本文考察了Fenton氧化法的作用机理,Fe2+、H2O2投加量和pH三个影响因素,并比较了两种方法在处理效果、反应条件和要求、经济成本等方面的优缺点。 试验结果表明,混凝处理最佳条件为:在活性黄溶液中,混凝剂PAC的最佳投加量为750mg/L,混凝的最佳pH值为5;Fenton氧化法处理的最佳操作条件为:在活性黄溶液中,过氧化氢加入量为0.5mL/L,Fe2+ 投加量浓度为256mg/L,反应初始pH值均为4.O,反应时间均为30min。在最佳操作条件下,经混凝和Fenton氧化处理后,染料降解率都取得一定的效果,水溶性染料活性黄脱色率和CODcr去除率达到99.22%、80.0%。 关 键 词 印染废水;混凝;Fenton;水溶性染料;活性黄 Abstract This paper summarizes the characteristics and harms of the dyeing and printing wastewater, printing and dyeing wastewater treatment at home and abroad, the present situation and development trend of the rese- arch significance, and analyzes and discusses the coagulation method, Fenton oxidation process printing and dyeing wastewater mechanism and affecting factors. This study prepared by active yellow dye wastewater as the research object, and simulated by using two kinds of chemical method for process- ing. The first kind of coagulation method, adding to the wastewater by a chemical flocculant, been fully mixing, make potions and suspended photocatalyst colloid particles interact to achieve flocculation, examines the function mechanism of flocculation method, cast dosage and pH two factors . The second Fenton oxidation method based on hydrogen peroxide as the oxidant, the catalyst physico-chemical process for chemical oxidation, this article summarizes the mechanism of Fenton oxidation, Fe2+, H2O2 dosing quantity and pH three factors and two methods were compared in the treatment effect, reflect conditions and requirements, the advantages and disadvantages of the economic cost, etc. The results show that,the best conditions for coagulation ale as follows:in the active yellow solution, optimal dosing quantity for PAC=300mg/L;pH=5, The best conditions for Fenton are as follows


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