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溶液除湿与地源热泵耦合系统的建模及实 验验证 1 2 1 李无言 郭浩伟 卢军 1.重庆大学城市建设与环境工程学院;2.华信咨询设计研究院有限公司 摘要:本文提出了一种基于Matlab 的溶液除湿新风机组与复合式地源热泵系统耦合运 行的空调系统的性能预测模型。本文首先对于系统的各个部件分别进行了数学分析、建模, 然后提出了整个系统的耦合模型。同时,通过对目标项目的实测,对模型进行了校准和验证。 结果表明,模型对于溶液除湿新风机组运行参数的偏差均在15%以内,同时对于地源热泵地 埋管出水温度的预测和实测值误差小于5%,对于热泵系统性能系数预测值偏差小于0.1。可 以认为模型具有可接受的工程精度,可用于进一步的设计和研究之中。最后,本文对于该模 型可应用的方向进行了讨论。 关键词:溶液除湿,地源热泵,实验验证,耦合模型,中央空调系统 Modeling and Experimental Verification of Liquid Desiccant and Ground Source Heat Pump Coupling System Abstract: This paper proposes a performance prediction air-conditioning system model of a hybrid ground source heat pump system coupled with a liquid desiccant fresh air unit based on Matlab. First of all, this article carries on the mathematical analysis, the modeling separately to each part of the system, then proposed the coupling model of the entire system. At the same time, through the actual measurement of the target project, the model was calibrated and verified. The results show that the deviation of the operating parameters of the model for the dehumidification of the new fan unit is less than 15%, and the error of the prediction and the measured value of the groundwater outlet temperature of the ground source heat pump is less than 5%, and the deviation of the predicted value of the performance coefficient of the heat pump system is less than 0.1. It can be considered that the model has acceptable engineering accuracy and can be used for further design and research. Finally, this article discusses the direction in which the model can be applied. Keywords: Liquid desiccant; Ground source heat pump; Coupled model; Central aircon system 随着人们对于室内热环境要求的提高,温湿度独立处理系统是近年来兴起的一种新的 中央空调形式。温湿度独立处理系统将室内空气的热湿分开处理,例如利用溶液除湿系统 处理室内的湿负荷,干式风机盘管处理剩下的显热负荷。这种方式避免了传统的空调系统 为满足除湿要求,其供水温度低于室内空气的露点温度。将室内空气的除湿要求交由独立 的湿度控制设备,剩下的显热负荷仅使用高温冷冻水(15℃~18℃)即可满


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