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基于建筑动态设计预期的实际性能分析方 法初步研究 齐泽伟 1,逄秀锋,王丹,王伟 (绿色建筑环境与节能技术北京市重点实验室,北京工业大学, 北京 100124) 摘要:对建筑实际性能的评估,需要一个“设计预期”作为参考。目前,设计预期的产 生,普遍采用能耗模拟的方法:根据设计资料建立该建筑能耗模型,使用标准气象年的气象 数据,进行全年能耗模拟,将模拟结果作为“设计预期”。然而,建筑施工过程中的变更, 建筑投入使用后实际的人员密度、使用时间、室内设备(照明、办公设备等)负荷、室外气 象条件等都对设计预期有显著影响。现有的方法由于没有考虑上述一系列变量的影响,对建 筑实际性能的评估分析结论必然是片面的,甚至是错误的。本文以现有方法为基础,提出了 合理的“设计预期”的计算方法。以两栋建筑为例,阐述了该新方法的计算过程,并对这两 栋建筑实际性能与设计预期进行了对比分析。 Abstract :The evaluation of the actual performance of the building requires a "design expectation" as a reference. At present, the design expectations, generally adopt the method of energy consumption simulation: the building energy consumption model is established according to the design data, using the standard meteorological years of meteorological data to get the annual energy consumption simulation, and the simulation results as expected "design expectation". However, changes in the course of construction, the actual personnel density, using time, indoor equipment (lighting, office equipment, etc.) of the building, and outdoor weather conditions are expected to have a significant impact to the design expectation. Because the existing methods do not take into account the influence of the above series of variables, the conclusion of evaluation and analysis on the actual performance of buildings must be one-sided or even wrong. Based on the existing methods, a reasonable calculation method of design expectation is proposed in this paper. Taking two buildings as an example, the calculation process of the new method is described, and the actual performance and design expectation of the two buildings are compared and analyzed. 关键词:建筑实际性能、设计预期、能耗模拟、EnergyPlus、差异分析 0 引言 近年来,国内绿色建筑呈现蓬勃发展的趋势。统计显示,截止到2016 年9 月底,绿色 [基金项目] 国家重点研发计划子课题 (No.2016YFC0700100 )、国家自然科学基金项目(No) [作者简介] 齐泽伟 (1991~ ),男,在读硕士研究生,主要从事建筑节能与建筑调适方面的研究。 [联系方式] qqqzewei@163.co


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