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我们的老师在讲评作文时,经常对我们说,写作要得高分,就得有高级句型和高级词汇。究竟什么样的词汇才是高级词汇呢?以下就是通过研读一些优秀考生的习作和历年高考写作题的范文,总结出来的一些“高级词汇”,供同学们背诵。 汉语意思 常用词汇 高级词汇 采用 use 使用 use 参观 visit 相信 believe that… 发生 happen (vi.) 应该 should adopt make use of; take advantage of; make the best of pay a visit to; go to…for a visit hold the belief that… hit (some place) (vt.) be supposed to 汉语 常用词汇 高级词汇 想到 sb. think of sth. 建议 suggest that… 促成; 导致 cause 照顾 look after /take care of 提高 improve sth. occur to/struck sb.; come up with sth. put forward the suggestion that… contribute to; lead to; result in tend to promote; strengthen 汉语 常用词汇 高级词汇 把时间用于 spend (all his spare time) in/on 向某人 道歉 apologize to sb. 决定/决心做某事 decide to do sth. 面对; 面临 face 位于 be in; lie in (/on/near) devote (all his spare time) to… make an apology to sb. be determined to do sth. be faced with be located in; be situated in (/on/near) 汉语 常用词汇 高级词汇 知道;意识到 know 同意某人观点 agree with sb. 对…满意 be satisfied with 对…有兴趣 be interested in 对…生气 be angry with 忙于…… be busy with be aware of/that; come to realize share the same idea with sb. express one’s satisfaction with be crazy about; show great interest in be annoyed with be occupied with; bury oneself in 汉语 常用词汇 高级词汇 重视 pay attention to 试图做某事 try to do sth. 尽力做某事 try one’s best to do sth. 由…组成 be made up of 善于;精通 be good at 一…就 as soon as attach great importance to attempt /seek to do sth. spare no effort to do sth. consist of have a good command of; be familiar with On +doing 汉语 常用词汇 高级词汇 走(一段路程) walk /travel (30 miles) 普通的 ordinary 有益的 good 严重的 serious 重要的 (be) important 重要的 important 富裕的 rich 许多的 many cover (30 miles) average severe beneficial (be) of great importance / significance essential; significant; vital wealthy numerous 汉语 常用词汇 高级词汇 惊人的 surprising 大多数的 most 累的;精疲力竭的 (be) tired 各种各样的(书) all kinds of (books) 有时 sometimes 非常 very 最后;终于 finally amazing; extraordinary the majority of (be) worn out; (be) exhausted a wide variety of (books) occasionally extremely eventually 汉语 常


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