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新加坡小学华文作文批改的研究 暨南大学硕士学位论文 新加坡小学华文作文批改研究 摘 要 华文作文教学一直是华文教学中的重点与难点,由于新加坡的学生学习华语的环 境比较复杂,受英语、方言,以及不规范的华语等因素的影响,所以语病、偏误层出 不穷,这必然直接影响到学生的华文作文水平。然而在我们的华文作文教学领域中却 存在着耕耘多收获少的现象,老师们在作文教学上付出了很多,整日为批改所累,学 生的作文水平却提高不大。所以本研究力求通过研究学生作文中出现的问题,总结出 切实可行的批改方法,从而提高学生的华文写作能力。本文主体部分从五个章节展开 论述: 第一章:介绍论文研究现状、提出研究问题、研究的目的、意义和方法。 第二章:总结出新加坡学生作文中常出现错误语料并进行分类,然后在语法、语 用等方面进行错误的分析。 第三章:从母语或方言的影响、华文知识不足、传播媒体的误导与华文教学不够 落实这四个方面分析产生错误描写的原因。 第四章:通过分析新加坡小学华文作文日常批改、考试批改,总结出现存批改方 法与评语中出现的问题。 第五章:通过以上的分析,并结合自己的实践经验,总结出华文作文批改应以引 导、激发兴趣为基本原则,采取形式多样的批改方式,才能真正发挥批改的实效性。关键词:华文作文、批改、偏误、错误描写、评语 I 暨南大学硕士学位论文 新加坡小学华文作文批改研究 Abstract Chinese composition teaching has always been an important yet difficult aspect of chinese language teaching. Under the influence of English influence, dialects and other factors, a complex Chinese learning environment is resulted. This gives me to commonly spotted language problems and errors which directly affect the quality of students’ Chinese composition. Often than not, teachers’ efforts to improve the general standard of Chinese writing have gone wasted. While a lot have been done to composition teaching, marking and correcting, little improvement is general. By identifying common errors and proposing effecting teaching methods, this paper dedicates to the improvement of students’ Chinese composition ability. The paper will be discussed five sections: Chapter 1 : Introduction to current situation of Chinese composition teachingh, clarification of the research question, purpose and significance of this study, definition of the scope of study and methodologyChapter 2 :Summarizing and classify commonly spotted errors in Chinese compositions. On analysis on the causes of such errors using grammatical study and morphologyChapter 3 : Analysis of causes from the following four aspects:1, Lack of Chinese language knowledge 2, Influence from mother-tongue and dialects 3, Misleading from the media 4, Inadequate implementation of Chinese language t


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